Chapter 170 I Bet You Will Not Be Disappointed (1/2)

Chapter 170 I Bet You Will Not Be Disappointed

Once Jerigh and Roley finished being tested, the two masters of wind left the arena, and went to coether

The results would be all given at the sas

The ered cultivator appeared once again in the e Once there, he said with his usual oppressively high tone ”What a beautiful spectacle Truly worthy of our hty collective! But let's not stop here The next test is for water essence!”

The , the e, leaving only a few of the dozens of people on the outside of the stage, similarly to what had happened the moment the test for wind essence had been announced

With all probability, those who had left the stage were those who had never tried to coin with


Back in the rooroup were chatting with various company representatives that had approached theroups that dealt in wind essence

”Two prodigies! Truly”

”Impressive to say the least!”

What had really left these coh had a control superior to their own comprehension of the essence That was consideredage

The reason for that, was that coence and wisdom, while the control, hat indicated affinity and practical talent

Daniel was responding to people's coht, until suddenly, a voice that shut thefrom a few meters of distance

”It is quite selfish to li men's talent to your feeblethe up”

This voice belonged to a green-robed thin hteous tone

Daniel turned to look at this green-robed”And I assume that one of those places, is Mister's couessed, the man's company was in fact one of the most powerful wind essence dealers in the entire collective They also dealt in flying fored weapons

”Correct I think it is safe to assume that your co men's talents You should not waste their potential like this” Said the slied man with a displeased tone He then added ”If they stay within your Golden Kar to be the most attention the will ever receive”

Daniel simply smiled back at him, and said ”I think you would be surprised about that But if you want, we could put that to a test”

”Are you suggesting a bet?” Asked the slim man with furrowed brows

Most of the company administratives around looked at Daniel in surprise They knew perfectly who that h they did not need to fear him or his company, they would still behave more politely than Daniel was

”Of course At this pace, the competition will last days Don't you want to ?” Asked Daniel with a clearly provocative expression on his face

After a few reen-robed man smiled, and said ”Very well What should we bet on?”

”Youmy people's talent So why not bet that you will ad by the end of today?” Proposed Daniel cal at a stupid person, then, he asked ”And how much is that worth to you?”

”I wouldn't know It is aor not Howto value your opinion?” Asked Daniel with an innocent s of his words was clear He wanted the green-robed man to put a value on his oord If thethat his as only worth so reen-robedthat he could do

”Very well I bet five hundred perfect crystals that I will be disappointed by the performance of your people” Responded the h for Daniel He wantedyou disappointment?” He asked with curiosity

”If either of them ranks below the top two hundred, I will be disappointed” Responded the man clearly

His plan wasn't too bad He knew that, due to their young age, both Roley and Jerigh could not possibly have a high comprehension and control over many types of essences But that could not be said about many of the other participants

At the same time, he wanted to imply that, in case the two of them were part of his company, he would be able to exploit their talent to a level that would

”Very well” Responded Daniel before turning towards the rest of the crowd around hi ”If anybody else would like to make a similar bet, I am opened to it”

The area quietened for a minute Then

”I would like to bet fifty perfect crystals They won't enter the top four hundred”

”I will put eighty perfect crystals on the the top four hundred as well”