Chapter 155 The Capital - A Deadly Virus (1/2)
Chapter 155 The Capital - A Deadly Virus
” If there is a deadly virus, it's airborne, and we've already breathed it in”
”A virus? What is that?” Asked the wohter in her arms
Daniel looked around, and noticed that the eyes of everybody present were pointed at hiot that the discovery of viruses had been done in his world of origin, and that it wasn't certain that it was coe in the rest of the universe as well
He then took a deep breath, and said ”A few hundred years ago, an alchemist from our world discovered the presence of a form of extremely sanis us froet sick after we reach a certain level of power”
After a small pause, Daniel continued ”Unfortunately, there are so these defenses coet sick Badly”
People were starting to get visible worried after hearing Daniel's words Only a feere keeping their cal Daniel's behaviour, one of them said ”What does airborne mean?”
”There is more than one way in which a virus can e of bodily fluids, which usuallyoutside of a person's body And finally, airborne Which et infected by si” Responded Daniel calmly
”Then why are you so calhtly irritated tone
”Does that mean that ill die?”
”Did they also found a cure?”
Daniel listened to each and every question that was rapidly thrown at hie about the matter As he had simply read a er
When the panicked chatter started to slon, Daniel lifted his hand, and said ”It's not certain that ill die You can see a virus like you see poison You only have to survive it long enough for your organs to purge it out of our body, and you should be fine”
A young round, and said ”They couldn't, what makes you think that ill be able to?”
Daniel sighed gently, and said ”The concept of poison is part of death, and opposite to life's concept of regeneration If you are knowledgeable of life or healing essence, you should be fine for awhile If not” while pausing slightly, he took a randoe amount of immortal essence into it Then, he turned it in life essence, causing the sphere to become a temporary life sphere, and said ”Stay close to h with questions, Daniel turned to look at the direction indicated by the thirty years old mother, and started to walk
Der followed quietly, and the rest did as well
In strange and confusing situations such as this one, people would always follow those with answers, and a calmer mind That was to compensate for the fear and confusion that the situation forced upon them
For a couple of hours Daniel walked in the direction where everybody else was headed to The closer he got to the core of the city, the more people he encountered, and the more bodies he saw
After four hours, he started to hear the weakest ah, and slon
This had itated and worried, causing a few of the those ere clearly sicker away froroup
In response to those talks, Daniel reduced the area of effect fro the life essence he was producing to a purer state
This bought more time to the weakest people, but unfortunately, the more people they walked around, the more they would be noticed by other people
The people which were previously ahead of the to feel increasingly worse They were now looking at Daniel's healthy group of people catching up to the a couple of questions, they would usually decide to join them
People started to crowd more and more around Daniel, to a point where ninety percent of the area of effect was already occupied by people
In around five hours, a group of people appeared in Daniel's sight They were aainst what looked like an invisible wall, and were shouting towards it
A few of the people turned to look at Daniel's incoroup
They appeared very ill, and a feere on the verge of dying, but the moment they saw the healthy state of the people around Daniel, they walked towards the fro station
A few of the st the people around Daniel started to recount what they had heard, causing the people in the group of furious cultivators to turn towards Daniel, and look at the stone he was holding
A sroup of ill- the stone, but they i that it wasn't an actual life sphere, but just a te it