Chapter 141 Neighbouring Plane (1/2)

Chapter 141 Neighbouring Plane

”Where are we?” Asked Daniel with confusion, as we looked at the desert-like scenery that extended in all directions

Noah responded through a dirty grin by saying ”If you ask me, one of the best planets within Iewah's domain Hehehe”

Nia stood quietly to the side, as if uninterested by what the two of them were talkin about

”This place doesn't seeri a shocked expression, Noah said ”What!? Is that what you wanted?? Why didn't you say so before Ohh Well, we can teleport you again Of course, this still counts”

Daniel already expected this to happen Froe in the third emissary's behaviour, and the sudden appearance of the second e

The punish small It was really no wonder that the ainst hiine what the punish such a loss for his entire faction

Now that he knew that the two of the their part of the deal with honestly, Daniel decided to use make use of one of his hidden tricks

”Can you teleport st all the ones in Iewah's do Daniel's words, a smile of derision appeared on Noah's face He was about to open a portal, but then, he heard a fewhis ears

”Not picked by you A random one”

”I have to decide where to teleport” Responded Noah with irritation

Noah was in control of the teleportation, and by being asked to be teleported to a random world,a planet ranted, as technically, it wasn't truly randoalaxies, solar syste to Iewah I don't know them I'll pick one at random, and you'll teleport me there” Said Daniel with a serious expression

”You do know that we are talking about trillions of planets, right?” Asked Nia with a plain tone

”I do” Responded Daniel with no hints of incertitude

”Why would we accept to do that?” Asked Noah with curiosity

He of course knew that thisattempts for Daniel The number of planets which included his specific requirements were already millions If he were to pick one at randoood one

Daniel smiled faintly at the two of them, and said ”Because if we end up in a planet that lacks any of my requirements, you can killHe then turned to look at his great grand himself killed I was only off by a few days” Then, before Daniel could take back his words, he added ”Very well”

The very next moment, Noah threw a s about ten alaxies appeared in the sky, separated from one another by what looked like trillions of trillions of kiloain Pick one” Said Noah in confusion

Picking a galaxy was the safest part of this bet, as all four of the galaxies would have numerous solar systems and planets in it

”That one” Responded Daniel while pointing at the second biggest, and only galaxy with an irregular shape

The shape of this galaxy was oblong and thin, and of a white color Around it, clear red smoke could be seen It almost seemed as if somebody had stabbed a hole into space, froe aalaxy, the scene around hialaxy he had picked zoohts appeared in his surroundings These lights represented the billions of stars contained in the galaxy Daniel had chosen

The stars were truly too many, and Daniel could only randoht red one” Said Daniel with confidence

The moment Daniel picked that specific solar system, Noah's face became hideous, while Nia's face became stern Deep confusion could be seen in both of their eyes

The scenery changed once again, and around hilobe of fire appeared

Around it, were at least twenty planets of various different sizes

The majority of these planets appeared not habitable, And in only three of them Daniel could see oceans, vast lands, and what looked like a breathable atest planet” Said Daniel

Noah and Nia quietened for a few moments Then, Nia took a step forward and said ”This is either the luckiest moment of your life, or you cheated us”

”What are you talking about? You've explained to me how space works How could I have cheated you?” Responded Daniel with a plain smile

Of course, Nia are that Daniel wasn't lying Knowledge of interplanetary travel was not only high level knowledge, but also soalaxies, you've picked the right one Of the billions of systeht one This is the solar systein, and yet, the planet you've picked is the only one with a full connection to the spiritual plain” Said Nia with a deep surprise in her voice ”If you had actually picked your planet, I would have killed you on the spot From our prospective, you couldn't have been any luckier”

”What can I say I'uy” Responded Daniel with a faint shed deeply in relief

nobody knew this, but that actually was the second attempt he had made On his first attein by chance But then, right after Nia had revealed to him which planet that was, she had killed hiin didn't contain a full connection to the spiritual plain, and didn't contain knowledge of interplanetary travel