Chapter 131 A War for Salvation (1/2)

Chapter 131 A War for Salvation

Back in the castle carved into the rocky wall of the cave, the head scholar was occupying her seat

Her head was resting on her pal for the past few days by the sorry state he was in

The failed operation had costed her a brother, and a sister-in-law Unfortunately, being the sole leader of the tribe now, she had no tirief Instead, she was forced to supersede the division of her tribe

The only rief, hen she was left alone in the hall where she, her sister-in-law, and her brother, used to lead the tribe through suffering and harsh times

A room in which nohenever she found herself alone in it, she couldn't rief was interrupted by the terful noises which resounded in her ears, and forced her to cover her ears in pain

One caused by the activation of the spiritual seed, and one caused by the shattering of the limitation which separated the spiritual plain from their world

After the two noises disappeared, she got up from her chair, and started to walk out of the room

A fearriors approached her as she was about to leave the hall, and reported the situation to her

At theinto four different parts Each part was being transferred into one of the four different tribes which had agreed to accepting their people in their territory Along with each group, a fourth of the warriors, a fourth of the scholars, and a fourth of the hunters would go with the civilians

After the report was concluded, the warriors left the hall, leaving the old woain

The very next moment, the saddened expression ca of what her brother, the strongest of warriors, and her sister-in-law, the chief hunter, would have said about as happening

Once again, tears started to form on her eyes But before they could strea fro, sister?”

The old woht in front of her, she found her brother and her sister-in-law standing, and s at her

Behind them, Daniel stood quietly, with a sweet s crazy”tone

The old man couldn't help but smile at his sister's behaviour He then walked toward her while saying ”My sister isn't crazy She wasn't crazy when she chasedpowders ere kids”

”No” said the old wo down her cheeks

”She wasn't crazy when she told retted it”

At this point the old woman couldn't help but rub her eyes due to disbelief, but even then, he kept seeing her brother approaching her

As the strongest of warriors arrived right in front of his sister, he placed his hands on her shoulders, and said ”She wasn't crazy when she told me that ould have found a way to free our people from this bane Because we did”



After the three members of the triumvirate reunited, Daniel stepped forward and recounted everything that happened since they had departed for the ” Said the head scholar with a shocked expression

”Don't worry, the kid has a plan” Said the chief hunter with a reassuring tone

Daniel's face became serious as he looked at the chief scholar intently, and said ”I do have a plan But is more of a job for your people thanby saying ”I intend on purifying an ar of monsters But, we can't just travel and look for people to purify You will have to su, spread the word, and lead them to me”

The head scholar looked at Daniel with doubt in her eyes She then said ”How do you plan to do that by yourself? In just six months, even if you purify ten people every day, we'll have an army smaller than four thousands”

”Who said that It's just going to beoff of his finger, and handed it over to the strongest of warriors ”Hold this for ets destroyed while I'm inside, your world is doomed”

The last feords pronounced by Daniel left the oldin his hands as if it was the most important object in the world, then, he said ”What do you mean with 'whil-” but before he could finish, Daniel had already disappeared


When Daniel entered the pocket dimension, he found himself in his roo he noticed, was the difference between the partial connection to the spiritual plain within the pocket dimension, and the complete connection to the spiritual plain from outside

In order to rectify this, he teleported back in the square where the portals which lead out of the pocket dimension were

The place was empty, as the portals had been closed for months now, and no one had any interest in them

Despite that, Daniel could feel the hundreds of thousands of people conducting their lives peacefully all around his pocket dimension