Chapter 124 The Wasteland World - Meeting (1/2)
Chapter 124 The Wasteland World - Meeting
”Spiritual essence you say Do you believe him, Lucious?” Asked the head scholar from her middle seat
From in front of the three leaders, the old man that had spoken to Daniel, said ”He definitely has a second motive There is no reason why he would want to help us But that's as far as o”
After a brief pause, he continued ”We fed him contaminated meat, and while he was able to drastically increase his power, he also rejected the contamination He is able to make clean food appear out of nowhere If It's true that he can free our youngest generation of corruption and render theo back to a time where ere able to live for hundreds of years”
As he reached this point, he started to talka life worth of ifs and buts ”Just one generation Just one generation capable of resisting the corruption, and we could explore our world in depth Maybe find a clean spot in which we can live Isn't it a future worth taking a risk for?”
”You seem to put an awful lot of faith in this kid, Lucious How are you so sure that he won't just leave if he were to find a source of spiritual essence Or worse He'll groerful enough to slaughter us all for capturing hi to the left of the head scholar
The head scholar became quiet for a few minutes, and then, she said ”If he really wants to help us, he will have to do it after we conduct the proper tests on him Even if this was all possible, and I doubt it, I would rather set him free after the research and hope that he'll still decide to help us, than letting go of our only hope in thousands of years for a promise”
After Lucious's conversation with the triumvirate, Daniel had accepted to let himself be used for a few tests and experiht believe
For three ested various types of concoctions created by the scholars, consistently gave away sularly In exchange to his cooperation, he was allowed to roauard that had been selected to keep an eye on Daniel, was a worey color A color which Daniel had learned was the natural tonality of skin of this particular race The black spots of on her body turned her ars completely black, while on the rest of her body, se freckles
She belonged to the warriors, therefore, her body was covered by small plaques of hs, breasts, and vambraces, while on her feet, she wore a pair of leather boots
Her hair were of a natural green color, a color which was lighter during her youth, and sireen color of her eyes
Her name was Gai'ha, and her weapon of choice was a short sword and a shi+eld
Since Daniel had e variety of different opinions on her She was a serious person, and quite talented cultivator Unfortunately for her, she had been born in a corrupted world, in which she could not shi+ne properly
During the past three months, Daniel had recounted to her the majority of his adventures, how life in his world was, and about his ability to create a world with sheer comprehension of the elements
The reason why Daniel had told her all these things, was siuessed Gai'ha to be a good person, but that didn't ood person could not be used as a spy And that's what she was
The triumvirate had specifically picked her so that Daniel could open up with her, and reveal things which would convince them whether they could trust hi a inhabited world on his person, and his kar to hide
He had considered that, in case he would be able to find a connection to the spiritual plain, he would be able to offer entrance to his clean pocket dirant a better chance than the harsh they led for them and their children But then, he had to consider two different matters
The first one, was that he would not tell the tribe that he had a ring which contained hundreds of thousands of people, and a clean environment perfect for their race to thrive
Secondly, he would not allow them in the pocket diest level of cultivator within his pocket die of cultivation And even if paired with the group's bonus in battle prowess, he was sure that there were hundreds of warriors within the tribe that could easily take over the entire pocket dimension
If he were to take them in, he would do it in a different pocket dimension, and once found a way to increase the power of his own people, ould slowly e
Back in the underground cave castle
”Give us a report of the exams” Said the head scholar with an orderly tone
”Well” Said Lara with a dispirited tone, and just a bit of eets corrupted just like ours with the right ah, it simply bounces off I've tried to use his blood onconcoctions, but the rant us a forgettable increase in power”
A grim expression appeared on the faces of the three leaders The head scholar looked at Lara and said ”Do you think we should do ato more invasive ways of research, like vivisection
”Head scholar If IIf we see the te contaminated meat, we can assume that his words were true That 'spiritual essence' he talked about was fighting the contamination as he 'cultivated', and when he finally stopped increasing his power by getting further contaht back and reether” Said Lara in a single breath
”Why don't you just give us your opinion on e should do? You and your father are our best scholars That's e've let you study the outsider” Asked the old htly irritated expression
”I think we should accept his deal”
”Exploring the prohibited land is not a joke We'll need the help of the other tribes just to get in There is a good chance that, by si him to the other tribes, they'll attack us to do their own research” Said the chief hunter after fixing herself in her own seat
”A war could leave the tribe with half of the army for years It's too risky” Added the old ht about this matter for three”And what if we don't!? This is all we have left Our usual grey rock Or usual black meat Don't you want to be the ones that ht our race out of this all-time-low period of our race?”