Chapter 102 A War That Was Bound to Be Los (1/2)

Chapter 102 A War That Was Bound to Be Los

Somewhere in an unknown forest, there was a camp This camp was occupied by two different types of people The first type, was a group of nor martial and spiritual cultivators, while the second type, was coreenish skin and veins that bulged like some kind of tree roots

In the e, and well lit tent

Inside this tent, there was a circular table, around which ures were humanoid, only a third of them were actual humans

All of these individual had demotivated expressions on their faces

If Daniel was here, he would have recognized the majority of the human's party

They occupied a slash of the table, and froh, and a beautiful looking woht red hair, which Daniel would not be able to recognize

Next to the woht red hair, sat Buriath, the earth elemental The details of his body were extre clothes He was still completely made out of minerals, but he had decided to make his composition match the color of human's skin, hair and eye His surface was s hi a person

Other than his control over the hundred percent comprehension of earth essence, his power had also drastically increased

When Daniel met him, he was at the level of a sixth rank cultivator, but now, he could fight on par with a late eight rank cultivator

The rest of the huroups There were a few that had soold shi+ne on their skin, as if it was olden keratin Sorew in the reen skin, similar to those that were outside the tent

These first two types of hu beasts, and had respectively evolved froolden ants, and first ranked Silver-Grey Cuon, a wolf-like type of beast

The third and last type of humanoid, were actually wood elemental that had taken a humanoid shape

”What do we do now?” Asked one of the gold skin humanoid breasts

The leader of the wood elementals responded to his question with a depressed look He then turned towards Edmund, which was considered by the other parties the leader of Daniel's group, due to his older appearance

Edroup is down to a fifth of our previous power The Tiyar e for another attack I'h ranking golden ants, and the silver-grey cuons present within the tent, were the current leaders of the three roups that inhabited an ancient forest called 'Garden of Past Tiroups, were the Wood Elementals, the Insecta, and the Hot-Blooded

Usually, these three races would peacefully coexist within the ancient forest, but lately, they had been disturbed by a group of explorers which belonged to the Tiyar e humans in the ancient forest wasn't out of the nor as they didn't cause destruction, or attacked highly intelligent beasts or elementals

Unfortunately, one day, a human party had discovered a low level wood eleh the forest

This young elemental was naive and curious, and after a few nice words, he was duped by the huroup of wood ele within the 'Garden of Past Times'

At first, the party of human explorers didn't show much interest towards the population of the wood ele wood elee and ancient tree

According to the young elemental's words, this tree contained the remains of a deceased peak wood elemental It didn't emanatedelse In fact, it was even capable of granting consciousness to the surrounding trees in athis, that the hu eleroup of cultivators, there was an old alchee of spiritual cultivation His main matter of study, due to his occupation as an alcheroup reached the sacred tree, the old alche less than a perfect wood treasure

After interacting for a bit with the population of wood elementals, the hu the news that a perfect essence treasure had been found

Sotiate with the wood ele not only a sacred item, but also the very reason ood elementals existed, none of the human's offers had even been considered

Out of options, the hu Unfortunately, that had only enraged the wood elementals, which had imprisoned the party of huy froe for their release

They weren't willing to appear weak, but unfortunately, their deiven a reason for the Tiyar empire to declare war on the wood elemental population

Fortunately, the wood elementals had allies Specifically, the beasts which inhabited the forest

The forest was their houardians The various beast races had fors of each species had vowed to aid each others in case their home, the 'Garden of Past Times' would ever be threatened

Their nuh, and after a few skirmishes, the ar end

It was then that Daniel's group had arrived in the Tiyar e power under the forer