Chapter 4 Battle Between Beasts (1/2)
Chapter 4 Battle Between Beasts
thu-thump thu-thump thu-thump
Daniel's heartbeat resounded heavily in his ears, yet unable to distract hie crocodilehim
Onethrough a forest, but the legs of the Yellow-striped Caih to allow it to avoidfor air
In this part of the forest, the trees were a good thirty meters tall at the very least, and full with autue, but their branches extended widely The thick foliage forht froh
This had affected Daniel's visibility more than his pursuer's, due to the fact that ranked beasts were used to hunt at night So most of them, to a certain extent, had the ability to see clearly in the dark
Provided that the Yellow-striped Caiman was an aquatic predator, and Itat its prey, it was still a subaqueous beast Thees in pressure in the water while it stood subed in it That was the reason hen the bloody-eyed Hare drank from the water, it had been alerted
Daniel assu under the edge of the pond, and wait for an unsuspecting animal to come to drink, like any unranked crocodiles would do What Daniel didn't knoever, was thatfiercer than any rank 2 beast, they also developed a certain extent of intelligence
The rank 3 Yellow-striped Caist rank 3 beasts, and if it had the possibility of absorbing the beast core of another similarly powerful beast, it could evolve into a rank 4 beast
The severe lack of powerful beasts in this forest was the reason why the Yellow-striped Cai a suitable prey So it had re its intelligence to that of an extremely ferocious and violent 5 year old huive Daniel a hard ti it off
What Daniel expected far less than the relentless pursuit of, how he liked to call it in his ht yellow eyes were quietly following both him and the Yellow-striped Caiman from the distance
After half an hour, the Crocodile was still hot on Daniel's pursuit His gasps for air could be heard a dozento stumble on tree roots or small leaves covered ditches The crocodile was a ns that it would stop its pursuit anyti hour passed Daniel could feel hislike escaping frouard patrol, as the vieasn't obstructed by darkness and it was easier for hi, he kept running
The rew, the more he felt the need to look back in worry The crocodile didn't ot too close, Daniel would proe direction before running off again, so that the crocodile would waste a few precious seconds to circle the tree to continue the chase
Inside hisat the crocodile in a thousand different ways His tiredness and worry started to affect his thoughts, badly enough to make him do mistakes
Daniel made such a mistake in the worst possiblesturound He had no words to regret not paying , all he could do was recover from the fall, crawl over the roots of the tree, and hide behind its trunk
Unable to run anymore, he tried to shi+ft his body in order to keep himself opposite froe by any h for Daniel to kept himself out of the crocodile's reach He could smell the bloody stench that ca al set of tree roots just a few htly intertwined together, but there were parts where they were far apart enough, to allow a small sized human to crawl inbetween
Daniel didn't have to find pros and cons as, by staying out in the open he would eventually die So after circling the tree once more time, he kicked the trunk had been pressed on with the root of his foot, hand rapidly rushed towards the tree roots
It took hie steps and a dive to reach for the roots nest, which was little enough to give him a chance to rapidly crawl inbetween the roots and under the tree
The crocodile was unable to reach hihten his body, before rushi+ng at its prey Nevertheless, after it did, it still rushed at Daniel's hiding place
Daniel flattened hiround, on the opposite side to the entrance of this naturally made nest, while the mouth of the crocodile crashed on the thick roots
Snapping sound could be heard one after the other, as Daniel shi+vered in place The sharp bloody teeth of the crocodile hacked at the wood left and right, trying to enlarge the gap between the roots in order to reach the young o his courage and start to pray to whichever God he could think of, he heard a loud hiss co snout backed out as if it had given up on him
What Daniel heard afterwards rowl ru noise He slowly approached the barrier of roots and took a peek at the scenery outside