Vol 1 Chapter 1 (1/2)

Book 1 – Chapter 1: Real-life Horror Film

Ye Jiang, even with his creative ined that his life would change within a few days

In a flash of ainside a dark wooden cabin, with only a head standing solitary

To his greater surprise, he found hiht in front of him Then with an unexpected appearance of an electric saw, he watched his body being dismembered while the saw made raspy sounds

Whaa…?!!! WHAT THE fuck IS GOING ON? A nightmare? But it is so vivid, so lifelike

His hopes of this being an illusion were dashed soon enough, as he watched a horrible horror show happening right in front of his eyes,him scared out of his wits

His body was constantly ripped apart Hot fresh blood on his face was convincingly real enough to al mad, as his arm fell apart from his body

This is not a dream! shi+t, this is no illusion!

Terror continued torturing his mind, as he saw the electric saw split his body in half from the headless neck to his toes His head was constantly soaked fro atop his head Yet, he couldn’t make a sound

He watched devastated, as his body was finally completely dismembered

During this horror show, large amount of infor in like tidal waves Noever, these information were all transmitted to his brain

The infor, unbelievable, yet his heart cried out otherwise

I will do it, so just please, PLEASE stop this! I believe, I BELIEVE!

The electric saw appears yet again, but this ti for the top of his head

Suddenly, all went dark

In another flash of a er bus with a fully intact body

He gawked out thein a stupefied expression, to see a desertedbackward as if the bus was running very fast, but he felt like tiers sit in the bus but he couldn’t make out their face He couldn’t even open his mouth or move!

He could neither speak nor er (ED: Hehepicturing Hawkins here…)

Hisback to him

Ye Jiang was just a standard nor as an accountant for a co to work at 9 in the

That fine day, he had worked overtime till 8 pot off fro the elevator was undergoing s became dark as he reached the third floor

On one foot of stair on this floor, he discovered a piece of paper Making no big deal of it, he picked up the piece of paper, which unexpectedly turned out to be a filer bus drawn on it, with countless dees that were rather hazy and difficult to comprehend What was clearly written were the two blood-red letters “Terror Bus”, with a list of actors right below

Ye Jiang thought of this as ahorrorin the cast list His na’

Suddenly, a huge force acted up, and in a blink, his surroundings changed to that of within the cabin, where he saw his headless body get chopped into pieces by the electrical saw Then, he found hi on this bus

After sorting out soh the information that came to his mind

The place he was at currently was actually the world of the horror film, ‘Terror Bus’! Whenever a person found the flyer of these movies, they would be forced to be a part of the cast for the movie for ‘hell Cine such as a cursed deh till the end of the movie over all obstacles and difficulties thrown in your way

For the chosen ‘actors’, they will not have any choice but to co-operate with others to complete the movie or die

Their placein

His character within thisthe ‘ Xue Yan, are going on a picnic trip on a bus

The , but based on the plotline of theIt would begin with the bus suddenly stopping to work, causing the ‘cast’ to be trapped in this desolate place At nal, people would decide to sleep on the bus for one night, waiting for the next et help

It would still be night, where all was silent Right at this ht in blood, while he kept trying to wake him up Noake, he would turn around to see that the driver actually lying dead on the steering wheel This is how the first scene would end but Ye Jiang had no idea what ca section had yet to appear

With the plotline quickly explained in his head, Ye Jiang turns looks at the actor that was to act as the dead driver in the seat with so to his realization of information that flooded into his head, the driver was supposed to be a very important role, that must be played by an experienced actor If you are a newco wheel, or doesn’t dare to drive, or is shocked ad worried, naturally you won’t get other chances to play in the sequels (ED: Does this mean torture to death?)

Ye Jiang takes a breather, he couldn’t i this way But the information inside his head could not possibly be fake After all, it was no illusion that he had seen his body sawed into sections, it was shown by the cinema itself!

That is ould happen if he didn’t obey the rules announced by the cine beheaded would appear oncesure he can’t skip his death