Chapter 159 Grieving Saber King Arrives! (2/2)
”Excellent poetry!” Chu Yang called out in praise, ”While this poem has only four short lines, it carries the mentality of one who is free and cannot be tied down It also perfectly suhty blood It is le individual's accoenerations of youths Anyone who hears this would unconsciously bon in reverence”
”Hahaha…, you are not bad either You are flatteringout in an extre were looking at one another with an unspoken understanding The Saber King was exceedingly elated as he walked out laughing
As for King of hell Chu, he was felt extremely accomplished and happy hat he had done As he walked into the roohed loudly
The moment Wu Qian Qian entered the roo a children's book to cover his hter Tears ran down his face as his entire body was trehter
”Are you alright?” Wu Qian Qian was startled; she asked with a tre of hell Chu this happy? This is truly unheard of!
Earlier, I heard hih so Diwu Qing Rou vehemently! Was I mistaken?
His discussion with the Hei Mo Saber King was top secret and as such Chu Yang and the Saber King were the only ones present If not for that, Wu Qian Qian as young and inexperienced could have easily ruined the King of hell Chu's plans with a single laughter!
”Hahaha” Chu Yang used his ”quiet laugher” to shoas extre uncontrollably as he laughed
After a long while and getting all the laughter out of his systeained his normal composure
”What really happened?” Wu Qian Qian was scared by his laughter!
”Hahaha” Her questionvolume Wu Qian Qian covered her ears in annoyance Her face appeared confused as she didn't understand as happening
The hed, the h while the other banged hard on the table top His entire body shook and tears ran down his face, ”Hahaha… This fellow is just so stupid…”
Wu Qian Qian was so angry that blood began to drain from her face She stouy is a lost cause
I was being nice and he cursed e as well
Meanwhile, the people fro Rou would send a group of his …
Using the darkness of the night, a group of people snuck into Iron Cloud Citadel stealthily They i place
Diwu Qing Rou's spy netas deeply rooted within the entire Iron Cloud Citadel systehplace was extre, Yin Wu Fa was on his final breath The people atching over higling! How could such a secretive hiding location not have any special medicine?
Moreover, in addition to this, they couldn't get a physician The only thing they were able to do to cope with the situation was to discreetly purchase some medication and quickly head back They were constantly at risk of being exposed and danger surrounded the else, the two Revered Martial Artists took turns using their own energy to prolong Yin Wu Fa's life The both of them were as exhausted as Yin Wu Fa because of this
In fact, being able to help Yin Wu Fa hang on until this point was already a great miracle If support were to be delayed even further, it is likely that Yin Wu Fa would perish from his injuries and those tould die fro Xin saw Yin Wu Fa, his heart was stirred He was so hurt that tears began to well up in his eyes Yin Wu Fa was no different from a skeleton and was unable to even move The wounds which he had sustained were still raw and bleeding However, the edges of each one of the was shallow and alth He was clearly in an extre Xin appeared to be a little over forty years of age but his body was small and nimble He had been a thief from Middle Three Heavens who had offended some powerful individuals and had no choice but to flee As a result, Yin Wu Fa, Yin Wu Tian and himself had to escape into the Lower Three Heavens It was soon after that the three of the level leaders
The affection these three had for one another was deeper than the ocean After he had seen Yin Wu Fa in such a pitiful state, how could he not feel sad and angry?
I will never cry, but rief
This spoke to the feelings between the two Kong Shang Xin now began to cry because of histears fall, I will not cry However, theXin Saber King, the name made it sound as if he was a compassionate person But those who understood its trueXin was
He did not cry, but hethat heShang Xin was a very vengeful person
”Third brother!” Kong Shang Xin quickly ran over; his two eyes red