Part 22 (1/2)

”Say, for instance--”

”I can't,” answered Blake, as Joe paused ”But I' to happen”

”No more collisions, I hope,” his chum ventured ”Do you know, Blake, I've wondered several times whether that one to-day was not done on purpose”

Blake stared at his chum, and then, to Joe's surprise replied:

”And I've been thinking the sa”

”You have?” Joe exclaimed ”Now I say--”

”Hush!+” cautioned Blake quickly, ”he's co!”

The door of their stateroom opened, and Mr Alcando entered He had a roo?” he asked ”If I am--”

”Not at all Co look at his chu double exposures on the same film,” the Spaniard went on ”You knohat Iby a fireside, say, and above him or her appears a vision of other days”

”Oh, yes, we can tell you how that is done,” Joe said, and the rest of the evening was spent in technical talk

”Well, ere you going to say about that collision?” asked Joe of Blake when Mr Alcando had left theht

”I don't think it's exactly safe to say what I think,” was Blake's response ”I think he is--suspicious of us,” he finished in a whisper ”Let's watch and await developments”

”But what object could he--”

”Never esture of caution

Several busy days followed the sinking of the _Nah the Miraflores locks,some fine films, and then proceeded on to the Pacific Ocean breakwater, thusa series of pictures showing scenes all along the way They also took several views in the city of Panama itself

Of course theirs was not the first vessel toof its novelty But the boys ell satisfied with their labors

”We're not through, though, by any et some pictures of Gatun Dale scenes, and soo bad”

”That's right,” agreed Joe

So they prepared to ain to Colon

Once more they were headed for the locks, this ti let down They approached the central pier, were taken in charge by the electrical loco chain was lowered so they could proceed

Just as the lower gate was being swung open to ad from above