Part 12 (1/2)

”Yes,” assented Joe ”Maybe it's mixed up in the bedclothes”

Before Blake could interfere Joe had turned back the coverings, and there, near the foot of the berth, between the sheets, was a s a number ofsound caasped Blake ”That--that box--”

”What about it?” asked Joe, wonderingly

”That's the same box that was on his table the tiar smoke I wonder what it is, and why he has it in his bed?”



Blake was silent athis portentous announcement Then he leaned forward, with the evident intention of picking up the curious, ticking box

”Look out!” cried Joe, grasping his chum's hand

”What for?” Blake wanted to know

”It o off, you know!”

”Nonsense!” exclain alar wouldn't keep hiet up I used to chuck mine under the bed, or stuff it in an old shoe What's the matter with you, anyhow? You act scared,”

for Joe's face was actually white--that is as white as it could be under the tan caused by his outdoor life

”Well, I--I thought,” sta suspicious now?” deh ”Talk about uess I did ih ”It probably is an alarm clock, as you say I wonder e'd better do with it? If we leave it there--”

He was interrupted by the opening of the stateroom door and as both boys turned they saw their Spanish friend standing on the threshold staring at thery note in his voice--a note the boys had never before noticed, for Mr Alcando was of a sunny and happy disposition, and not nearly as quick tempered as persons of his nationality are supposed to be

”I suppose it does look; as though ere ru instantly that it was best to be frank ”But we heard a curious ticking noise e came down here, and we traced it to your bunk We didn't knohat it ht perhaps you had put your watch in the bed, and otten to take it out We looked, and found this--”

”Ah, my new alarm clock!” exclaimed Mr Alcando, and what seemed to be a look of relief passed over his face He reached in a the bed clothes and picked up the curious brass-bound ticking box, with its many little metallic projections

”I perhaps did not tell you that I am a sort of inventor,” the Spaniard went on ”I have not hadit a good test, privately, before I try to put it on thebox from the bed, and must have adjusted the mechanism in a way Blake or Joe did not notice, for the ”click-click” stopped at once, and the room seemed curiously still after it

”So Spaniard went on ”I think, myself, it is quite what you call--clever”

And with that he put the box in a trunk, and closed the lid with a snap that threw the lock

”And now, boys, ill soon be there!” he cried with a gay laugh