27 Chapter 27: Meeting Them Again (1/2)

”Oh my god! Your highness! Are you ok?” Zhe asks me, concerned.

I drowsily wake up and stand.

”Uh, yeah.”

I get dressed and head to breakfast.

”Mmm, YingYue, are you prepared for the Autumn ball? This is the first time you're going to the ball. We always have the Yue Kingdom's royal family over,” mother randomly says.

I freeze, frightened.

”D-do I h-have to go?”

My father responds, ”It's a ball for the peace of our kingdoms, but if you really don't want to, I guess it's fine.”

”I-it's fine, I'll go…”

I don't want to cause a war or some discrepancies between the kingdoms for not showing up.

”Uh, father, can I wear makeup on that day, the one where you can't really tell it's me?”

”Sure,” mother responds without questioning.

Guilt rises as I decide not to tell them. I'm pretty much trapped for doom. I can only hope for the best.

In the afternoon, I take a breather and visit the royal garden again. A couple minutes later, Commander Yang tells me that someone wants to talk to me.


”KaiZhen, the general's son.”

I am still confused until he walks into my view. It's the sun hair dude! I muffle a small laugh. Once he comes close enough, I ask him what he's doing here.

”Well, for the Autumn ball, you need an escort, so um…”

I frown a bit.

Commander whispers in my ear, ”He would be the best choice of an escort because he's been to the ball before.”

I sigh, ”Very well, would you like to be my escort, KaiZhen.”