13 Chapter 13: Saved but Scarred (1/2)

The servant announces, ”QiLing will be executed for poisoning the prince in attempt to murder him.”

\tI hear a familiar voice, ”Stop this at once!”

I wanted to scream at them to leave me in peace. I have nothing left. I have no reason to live after this crime.

\tI see a mask and pieces of papers skidding in front of me. I realize that the letters were the ones that Mayor Chun sent me. It's too late for that. My mind hazes as I stare at the items, unblinking. Then, I realized that the mask was XiaoLong's.

\tI probably shouldn't have lifted my head, but I did. It was definitely XiaoLong's outfit. His hairstyle was the same. I stared at his face and realized. XiaoLong was Prince Fu. I quiver in shock.

The Queen talks with worry, ”Son, you should be in bed!”

\tI look at him in disbelief. The knight kicks my head down.

”How dare you look at the Prince!”

\t”Stop. The evidence of what she did is in that letter.”

I don't need your help. It's easier to die… was what I wanted to say, but no sound came out.

\t”Go back to bed. You need the antidote. In the meantime, we need you to try to stay in good condition.”

”Mother, I'm healed.”

What?! What's he talking about? People said that they couldn't get the antidote, so how's he healed?

\t”What are you talking about?”

”Apparently, I have immunity to the poison.”
