3 Chapter 3: Mr. Assassin (1/2)
This time, he's the one who's startled and slips on the roof. Luckily, he caught himself in time.
”U-uh, what an interesting question. Why do you think that?”
”Your outfit,” I put bluntly.
”Well, if I was an assassin, I would have already been caught.”
I look down below and realize that there were actually quite a lot… of guards…
How am I supposed to complete this mission then?
”Then, who are you, Mister?”
”U-uh please don't call me mister, I'm not really that old.”
”I'm sorry...uh”
”Ok, XiaoLong. So what are you doing in the castle?”
I further inquire suspiciously.
”Well… I'm a knight in the castle and I'm on break.”
We sit there for a bit as he munches his apple. I take sneak peeks at his face. He has dark blue eyes like the night sky… wow… That's the royal capital for you. I think back reminiscing about my home. I miss my family… I don't want them to have to pay for my crimes. It's all because of that Mayor Chun! He should have picked someone else or something! He knew that my athletic ability is the best in the town!
”Is something bothering you?” XiaoLong asks, looking at my face.
I stare up at the stars, embarrassed that I was sort of … um… inspecting his face…
”Um, can I ask a favor?”
”What is it?”
”Can you teach me to use a dagger?”