17 Chapter 17:our big family (1/1)

@@A few days later you drop Isabella off with her grandma after all she kept asking to see her begging pleading and crying and he finally said yes you really did not like your baby girl leaving Elios saw how sad you were inside it's only for three days I don't care you complained besides those three days will be spent in bed with Elios. Besides Elios said I love the sounds you make when I change you to the bed A heavy brush came across your cheeks Do you know when you get home you were in trouble Once you to get home your night was filled with bless and love you practically screamed when it was over all you wanted was more on the second day are you today did was do it on the third day are you to date it was do it longer but you enjoyed all the way you couldn't even get out of bed so Elios had to go pick up Iris you didn't even want to move you were numb sore in your wrists were practically bruised you were still filled are your stomach Did you ask Big or you have to be pregnant with twins if you were there and made you so so happy all you could think about is what you name them. Name is Iris wasn't really hard at all the name into babies that's gonna be a rush you were glad to have my children and you thought Iris going to be only child for the rest of her life anyway you were glad your baby had some little brothers or sisters that way she'll know how to act mature around her siblings you actually felt good but I was having a priority A little one of horse .to be continued