10 Chapter 10: The truth lies ahead (1/1)

@@After dinner he puts the food away and start to take his clothes off you ask him what are you doing he said we Phinne create a family together you beg plead and cry no but it wouldn't stop the pain the suffering is still there. One minute later it hurts everything hurts your captive sleeps and you soon drift off to sleep when you wake up you feel soft feathers covering your body and you notice their wings as you're captive whisper in your ear I am a dark angel my sweetie you yell and scream for him to get away from you. you have violated my body I could never be in love with somebody like you as you noticed what you said you cover your mouth in. fear as he stared at you how do you notice his blank expression. My dear the only thing that's keeping me from

Hurting you is a beautiful child growing inside you isn't this the happiest day of my life you try to push him away from you but his grip is true strong you mumble under your breath this baby is not yours what was that my dear he said nothing your captive tugs at your hair this baby is 100% mine and nobody can tell me otherwise not even you. Starting tomorrow Supergirl to my home it's in hell and We will raise our son or daughter there so you was the guy that brought me back to life that's right my dear where is my necklace you yell out it's right here he put it on you know starting tomorrow we're going to go to hell so we can raise our child the right way you shake your head before we go though you have to say three words my love you look at the necklace and you say what's that it's simple just say I love you. To be continued