Chapter 765 (2/2)

”Yes, I still have the strength to discuss the woman I like.” I said jokingly. Now I tell you who likes me. I'm calm.

Because there are few women in this world, there are hundreds of men in the whole queen, and there are only four women. Naturally, more people will like us. As long as the war is over, AGU will balance men and women with strength, and this phenomenon will gradually decrease.

Moreover, the original brotherhood between them is very good, once some of them become women, this kind of affection will quickly transform into love between men and women.

Not to mention the men who are in love now.

”However, it is impossible for the queen to like a ghost commander. No matter how powerful he is, he is also a water devil.”

”No, I heard...” They lowered their voice inside, ”I heard that the commander of the ghost army turned out to be a human being, who was turned into a water ghost.”

”What -- how did you know that?”

”Uncle Mason once talked to sergeant Agui. His name was sergeant Agui...”


”Harry?! You say Harry Someone from the Scrooge stood up and said, ”you heard me right!””What's the matter? Have you heard of it? ”

”Of course! When the aurora army of Yinyue city launched a war against the zombies, three people were particularly famous. One was the present commander of Helei, and the other two, in addition to the famous highness Xingchuan, the other general was Harry! ”

”What --”

”commander Harry is really a man

I slightly frown, many small secrets should not be hidden for too long.

Leicester looked at me in a worried way, took my shoulder in silence and stroked my back.

”Who is so bad! Turn a ghost commander into a water devil Tom and Jerry began to get angry.

”What a nuisance! We must find him out and avenge the commander

”Isn't that pitiful? No chance to be with the queen. ”

”Ah I don't know what kind of a ghost commander looks like when he is in human shape. He must be very handsome

”Your majesty!” All of a sudden, they jumped out of nowhere and looked at me excitedly, ”your majesty! Her majesty is coming - Her Majesty is coming - ”they excitedly pulled me into a temporary ward palace, and the people inside were embarrassed and stiff.

I only pretended to hear nothing and looked at everyone with a smile: ”how do you feel now? Can I resume training tomorrow? ”

Everyone immediately held up their good arms: ”no problem! Your majesty

I nodded with satisfaction.

”How is my home, your majesty?” A GUI of the first district asked in a low voice.

They immediately patted him on the head: ”what are you worried about? Your majesty will do what she says, no problem! ”

GUI scratched her head and said, ”it's not that I don't believe her majesty, it's just My family didn't come to Wangdu So... ”

Soldiers in the same district as Agui were also worried.