Chapter 585 (2/2)
I yelled at him, ”no, you can do it!”
Without saying a word, Horace made Gru disappear in front of me. The next moment, he and Gru were standing behind the butcher.
The butcher growled at me unconsciously: ”I'm going to kill you --”
suddenly, his legs began to wrap with flowers, and he looked at his feet in surprise: ”what's the matter?! What's going on - ah! Ah - ”
those flowers were all over his body in an instant. When he raised his face, screamed and raised his arms, he had become a statue of flowers that could not be moved any more.
”Hurley can kill the butcher by himself.” Ah GUI said to me, ”you are helping Gru.”
I nodded and looked at the wounded white waiter. His mother was surprised to see the butcher turned into a flower sculpture. I turned to look at the stunned motos: ”how many of Marguerite's men are there? Where are they? ”
Moto slowly recalled: ”also, there are more than a dozen people, they are in the palace, now this time, generally still sleeping.”
”Whew!” Horace took Gru back to me. Gru was stunned, staring at his hand.
Horace looked at me: ”give me the order.”
He looked at the palace, cool and cool in front of me When two words came out of my mouth, Horace had disappeared in front of us.
Leiseus took out a remote control, and immediately the probe robots swarmed out of the underground base behind us and scattered in all directions.
Uncle Mason and sister Cecilia lead the team of Joey and pelos into the palace.A ghost also immediately followed, I slightly wrung eyebrows, see small night: ”small night, protect a ghost.”
”Yes Xiao Ye follows the ghost.
This guy wants to fight when he moves.
See Angelina also want to follow me immediately stopped: ”Angelina, you and Sakura stay here.”
Angelina was a little lost, I pointed to the sea of flowers behind me: ”burn this flower first, so as to give people here a reminder.”
”Yes Angelina smiles, her hands burning.
”Sakura, keep an eye on this place to guard against foreign enemies.” I told Xiao Ying.
Sakura thumbs up to me: ”don't worry!” Then she and Leicester returned to the ship and opened the defense.
I walked into the palace with Horace and their advance.
Behind him, flames blazed and layers of heat followed.
When the wind swept by, it raised my hair.
I then turned around, and it was Hurley who stood beside the huge flower sculpture, with an unknown body on his shoulder. But judging from the look of fear on the part of moto, it can be judged that the body without a coat was the one they were afraid of, the one who enslaved and killed them with Marguerite.
In front of him, there is a sea of fire. The flaming light makes his figure more and more bright. His hair braids are flying in the heat wave. This quick and agile figure overlaps with the figure that once jumped up in the moonlight and cut off the enemy's head that night.
When he killed the enemy, he was still so vigorous, decisive, quick and handsome.
Someone fell from above him. It was * * who carried two of them on his shoulder. He laughed at Horace, took over the corpse directly with his thick arm, ran to the fire and threw them all into the sea of fire.
Hurley turned to me and raised his lips and laughed. The charm of the brave was as dazzling as fire in the battle.