Chapter 6 (2/2)
「I haven’t heard about a High-grade spirit!」
「I also didn’t know, you know? Hughley-dono was in the sa the audience」
Is this about Hughley?
「Otou~sha about his spirit status」
Status, huh……
St, status…… status?
Hmm, I don’t understand……
「A position To put it simply, it’s about his power」
Ooh, status huh!
「Spirits are clearly divided by their power, you see In addition, you can clearly judge it by their appearances」
「Ish that so~」
「Lower-grade spirits are in plant or anirade spirits are in pale into human forhley and Miria are High-grade spirits?
「Hughley-dono appeared in a size that could sit on your shoulder, right? That’s why I thought he was a Mediurade spirit That’s why I wrote that it in the report」
If it can be decided by appearances then I would think that Hughley is a Mediurade spirit
So that’s why King wants that to be explained, huh…
If that’s the case, it’s just as Father said and he did see it all, didn’t he~
What else does he want to explain!
「Say, Hugh, Miwia If Spiwit-san hides its stwenght, can I distinguish~?」
《N? It would be iht~ It’s not possible to pretend to be above rade spirits like us can turn into Mediurade spirits if we suppress our power~ It will be difficult to distinguish us then~》
「Ish that so~ So they say, Otou~shama」
If spirits suppress their power, huh them
Father is not at fault at all
「M, so let’s wetuln quickly~」
「That’s right Look, you guys! Prohley and Miria, I was able to safely finish the audience without getting engaged to the princes
With this, the exile, ie ti s to party once we return!