Chapter 5 (1/2)

《How unusual For Green to be in the castle》

《Light, huh My contractor seems to have summoned me here》

《Contractor!? Green’s!! The misanthropic and eccentric you!?》

An intruder suddenly appeared in thelady

Apparently, this young lady is Light Spirit-san

She’s a jiggle-bounce-jiggle beauty of hu about Hugh, right?

Misanthropic and eccentric?

That can’t be

Hughley was sociable from the first time I have met him

《So noisy Ria is special》

《Ara, ara~ For you to say so like that, that’s evenan exchange as if quarreling

It’s not like Hughley is taciturn, but it’s unusual for hih, you aw somewhat diffelent fwo your true self? Now that I mentioned it, your appearances are also different, aren’t they~》


His appearances are also different?

That ood~?」


Hughley showed inal appearances

His hair and eye are the sareen color like when he was small

He’s the normal human size, if I’m pushed to say whether he’s an adult or a child, I would incline towards an adult, but not a fully grown up adult yet

Like a young , he’s handsoain

Handsoh is so cool~」

《You are not scared?》



There’s nothing to be scared about, right?

《When I appear before humans in this form, they always freeze in shock It’s like that in my small form too, but they won’t look into h is pwetty and cool, evewyone is just taken aback, you know?」

They would be fascinated by such attractiveness, wouldn’t they?

Also, that thing, right?

They blank out after seeing a spirit?

Un, that’s ged by Hughley