59 Goosebumps (1/2)
Since she was the nearest, Cynthia was the first to enter the bedroom. Naturally, upon seeing the bodies her eyes went wide and she looked confused at Joshua who had swapped his outfit for his detective costume.
”What's going on?” she asked.
”Hmm, at first glance, I would say these people… are dead,” Joshua replied in a super-serious tone.
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”That's at clear as day. But apart from that?” Cynthia replied, clearly not amused.
Joshua smiled and replied: ”Let's wait for the others. I wouldn't want to waste such a good opportunity.”
A few moments later and everyone had climbed the stairs and was waiting for Joshua's explanation.
Joshua was twiddling a pipe in his fingers. He finished examining the scene and turned toward the party.
”My friends,” he began, ”I have solved this mystery!”
Looks of anticipation appeared on everyone's eyes so he continued.
”Based on the photographs we've seen in this house, we can safely assume the victims are the owners of the place. They both suffered a stab wound in the neck which led to near-instant death. However, very little blood is present at this scene, which means we can safely conclude they were murdered elsewhere. Based on Luna's analyses of the bodies, they've been killed about three days ago. Considering the situation it's impossible for them to have killed one another. As for the motive behind the crime, it is undeniably the giant pile of money that has been left beside the corpses. Now, I suppose you're all wondering why the killer didn't take the money with them? I cannot say for sure, but I assume they needed to lay low for a while and make sure they weren't found with the money around them. I do not know much about the victims, but the photographs around the house only showed both of them, so they most likely don't have children or near family. In other words, the killer left the money here, sure no one would come for a visit.”
”Where's this money coming from, though?” Eric asked.
”Well, I'm not sure about its origin, but it's undoubtedly illegal. I think the most likely scenario is that the killer and the victims were accomplices in a crime, maybe a robbery, and the killer decided to get rid of them to keep the whole pot for themselves.”
”Wouldn't hide the money next to a few corpses give it a terrible smell? ”
That's when they noticed… There was no odor coming from the corpses.
”Weird... ” Joshua said, ”Logically speaking the bodies should have started to decompose.”
He thought about a reason for it, but couldn't find one for now, neither did anyone else.
”So,... are we just gonna take the money for ourselves?” Lydia asked vaguely.
”Naturally, this whole affair is an unexpected boon for us. We can even use this place as a hideout since the owners are dead.” Joshua replied.
”That's too risky,” Catherine said, ”You're probably right about the money being of criminal origin, but what if the local law enforcement finds the culprits? They'll come right here!”
”Right, I didn't think of that. Good point. Well, we can take the money and leave once we're done. We got time, though. I mean what are the odds of them coming right now?”
Of course, as soon as Joshua said this, Luna's radar detected something moving toward them. Joshua rushed through the window and saw one of those vehicles flying toward the house.
'Oh dear, I should have known better than to trigger some flag…' he thought.
Catherine didn't waste time and asked:
”Luna, how long until they'll be here?”
[At their current speed, about two minutes.]
”It doesn't look like law enforcement, though,” Joshua said, ”It might be the killer coming to pick up the money.”
Hearing this, Boris stepped forward, picked up the corpses and put them back in the closet before closing the door.