22 Improvised Therapy (1/2)
”Joshua, please calm down. Let's go to your soul world first.” Catherine gently told him.
Joshua nodded and vanished. She followed him, made a table appear and summoned some coffee. She handed a cup over to Joshua who drank it one go. Afterward, he let out a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. Even his soul projection was covered in sweat, he really wasn't going well.
”Now, why don't you tell me what happened,” Catherine asked.
The situation that had occurred was extremely bizarre and Joshua had a hard time to find the right words to describe it. Still, after a few minutes, Catherine was able to get a global picture of the event.
”This shining light you saw was most likely a trap,” she said,” I was doubtful about this shock therapy you suddenly added, but it might have saved you in extremis.”
”Right… Shining treasures don't just appear…”
Seeing Joshua like this, Catherine couldn't help to feel sad for him. Joshua hadn't talked much about his personal life, but she knew he valuated logical thinking above everything. Whatever was happening must be pure torture for him. She estimated the best way to help him out would be to help him recover his rationale.
Catherine was no psychologist by any means, but she had learned a little trick from Joshua. Whenever he wanted her to realize something, he would ask her leading questions until she arrived at the conclusion. She decided to try this method out on him, although she wasn't sure where it would lead them.
”Joshua, when did you start having those irrational thoughts?” she started.
”I believe the first incident was the one with the T-Rex. In other words, today.”
”And did anything unusual happen today?”
”...There was the earthquake and then we found this area.”
”Indeed, now this area is rather surprising, don't you think?”
”No kidding, there is a fake sun & sky which I can't explain. Also, there are gigantic runes in the ground, helping the land grow. Furthermore, it's full of animals and even freaking dinosaurs. Who knows what else we'll find as we continue.”
Catherine bit her lip, there was an answer right in front of him and he didn't reach for it. No matter, she would have to help him out more.
”Joshua, do you remember what Damien told us?”
”His spirit went crazy as they were reaching the ruins… We're getting close to the ruins aren't we?”
”I believe so, yes.”
She saw his look grow sharper and silently rejoiced. Joshua slowly smiled and started to laugh, although it sounded a bit forced.
”Oh man… How did I not realize this? Well, actually that's the whole issue, isn't it?”
She nodded. Joshua let out a sigh of relief, grabbed Catherine's hand and gently kissed it.
”Just to make sure we're on the same page, can you tell me what you have concluded?” she asked smiling.
”This is the part where I tell something ridiculous and you yell at me. Unfortunately, I've got nothing this time.”
”Well, if you've got time to joke you must be doing a little better, but more seriously?”
”I appear to be under some form of mental manipulation.Through some unknown method, something or someone is messing with me. It started when we entered this area, and will likely grow worse as we progress.”