Part 21 (1/2)
[49] It was in the beginning of November when I crossed the Ohio near Louisville; at that time a fine new steam vessel, of I believe two hundred and fifty tons burthen, aiting the rise of the water What a daily loss this detainerat Louisville in order to go passengers by her to New Orleans, a journey of between fifteen hundred and two thousand miles, which was to be perforet back it would require three or four weeks This vessel was to convey the western mail to New Orleans--the accommodations in every respect were excellent and the whole interior was fitted up in the most coer was, I understood, forty dollars--WELBY
_Comment by Ed_ The first steamboat mail to New Orleans was carried in this year by Captain Shreve upon his boat, named in honor of the occasion, ”Post-Boy”
[50] Plans for a canal around the Falls of the Ohio (Louisville), were projected early in the nineteenth century The Ohio Canal Coress and the Kentucky legislature conditionally subscribing for shares of its stock, but nothing was accomplished About ten years later the Jeffersonville Ohio Canal Coanized to build the canal around the Indiana side of the falls Construction was begun, but again the project fell through
Finally the Louisville-Portland canal was co assisted to the extent of 2,335 shares of stock This canal soon proved inadequate, and in 1872 it was surrendered to the national govern co the waters of the Schuylkill is, I understood, to supply Philadelphia with its water--WELBY
[52] This year fine new cyder was plentiful in Ohio State, at a dollar a barrel of thirty gallons--WELBY
[53] For the early history of Washi+ngton and Brownsville, see our volume iii; F A Michaux's _Travels_, note 23; Harris's _Journal_, note 32--ED
[54] A short sketch of Uniontown and Fort cumberland may be found in Harris's _Journal_, volume iii of our series, notes 47, 49--ED
[55] For a brief account of Fredericktown, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volume iii, note 70--ED
[56] The British forces under Major-General Ross landed at North Point, at thealong the North Point Road to Baltimore (September 12, 1814), they had marched about four miles when their advance was checked by the Aement followed, in which Ross was killed, but the American troops were forced to fall back towards Baltimore
The battle un in 1815 and completed ten years later It is not a national memorial, but was erected by the citizens of Baltimore In 1839 Baltiround--ED
[57] Some farmers, on this account, feed their cattle with corn, and thus putting it upon legs send thee droves of these cattle--WELBY
[58] In the Middle and Southern states the ruffed grouse (_Bonasa ulish pheasant (_Phasianus colchicus_) does not exist in the United States Sie is entirely different froiniana_)--ED
[59] George Louis Buffon (1707-1788) was a noted French naturalist, and for ardens Abbe Raynal (1713-1793) published (1770) _Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes_--ED
[60] I believe the Quakers are entitled to the chiefthese charitable institutions, and I have before been silent where I should have given them the meed of praise--WELBY