Part 11 (1/2)

6th Off Deal A lovely , well calculated to re day; a clear view of the town; and the French coast also is very visible from the deck

In order to attain the i so proers met at the instance of the Captain, and a set of resolutions was drawn up for the general observance; and a copy being handed to those of the steerage, was acceded to by the put in force:--by these rules, one captain of the day froe were on duty by rotation,--candles were put out at a fixed hour,--the parts of the deck for the use of the cabin and steerage passengers were prescribed; and sundry rules for cleanliness, which were afterwards but ill obeyed: no forfeitures were necessary, as the captains of trading vessels have by law the power {6} of punish in irons for misconduct, and indeed this was inflicted in the course of the voyage, upon a riotous tailor

_Sunday_, 9th Light airs withrather ers

We are now clear of the Channel, and drifting upon the vast wilderness of waters, a plank our dependence until we may reach a new continent To sailors of course, a circus little reflection, but those to whom the situation is new, must confess a sensation most awful and uneasy: certain it is we are equally in the hands of a beneficent Providence, whether we tread the seely firm-set earth, or commit ourselves as now upon this iuise--she cannot subdue feeling

10th We are now first experiencing a calm attended by a heavy swell of the sea;--the sailors call this ”Paddy's Hurricane,” and Paddy was right, for the rolling of the shi+p, racking ofbut a _calm_ on board

Of our cabin party it is not necessary to record the views; suffice it, that it consists of three ladies and six gentlemen, besides six children; some for pleasure and health, others for business bound

{7} The passengers in the steerage are far too numerous either for their own comfort or ours; many of them seem very respectable people, farmers, farm-servants, hop-planters, masons, carpenters, and tailors, with their wives and children I cannot perceive the tenable policy of throwing obstacles in the way of eland is overstocked with artisans, and other countries are in want of them, it is surely athe best hest injustice

12th Being fine and calot up for exa, and loose straw laying about on deck, there was a cry ”the Caboose is on fire!” This only occasioned a momentary panic, as _luckily_ no har fire had communicated to the soot, and from thence nearly to the main-sheet

This day we took up a cask which upon tapping proved full of excellent brandy; it was covered with barnacles, and had probably been floating four or fivethe Sparrok of England, was thissupposed above three hundred miles renders this an {8} extraordinary circu a Gull, and understood its name to be Rump-poke An appropriate appellation, as it pursues other birds for their droppings, which it catches as they fall and feeds upon

18th We have experienced so many head winds and cal the Captain, are cast down,--two thousand five hundred er, was safely delivered of a boy her first child

22d Favorable breezes A quarrel between the cook and a sailor, in which the former knocked out three of the latter's teeth with a billet of wood; and for which he underwent a severe _cobbing_[3]

24th Two Whales of the Grae fish was seen to pass the shi+p tormented by a shoal of small ones; the Captain ordered the boat doent out, struck it, and it was got on board; it proved to be a Sun-fish that weighed one hundred weight and a half: it was quickly cut to pieces, dressed, {9} and eaten by the shi+p's coers; the flesh very white and fir but si but what one is used to


Some risk,--little co of insecurity,--irritability,--a longing to be ashore; in short, a total _be-blue-devilment_ at times, with a few hours of pleasanter colour just to keep hope alive

The ignorance and siht be supposed; one said the other day he supposed we had five hundred o, and another asked me if America was iving the shi+p such a shock as laid her down on her side Great was the confusion; trunks thrown upon trunks, tables, chairs, all forced frolad to find however that, excepting the fracture of glasses and crockery, no material accident had happened to any one

About this tier's stock of provisions was taken, and though but three weeks out, several were found nearly exhausted; so i list of sea stores is recoer

42 lb Beef or Pork

56 lb Cabin bread (biscuit)

14 lb Flour

7 lb Cheese

4 lb butter

1 lb Coffee (ground)

1/2 lb Tea

10 lb Sugar