Part 3 (1/2)

”No,” said he, as before ”Well then,” said they, ”if you will not plead for us, ill give you 1,000 dollars not to be against us;” which sum he took, and left other advocates to talk

Edward C----, late in the service of Joseph Vipan, Esq of Sutton, is here elevated from the smock frock and stable, to the dress and society of a hty the tyranny of custorace to hientleman, in the same store, was requested to assist his e a barrel of dried fish out of the cellar into a cart only ”Oh! no, that is _nigger's_ work,” said he; and then left a good situation within two hours after {394} he came to it Such are the blessed effects of slavery!

_15th_--Met Mr Cooper, an English gentlerown coht about 300 acres of land, near this city, so exhausted, that no produce can be had from it for years to come The system pursued here, if carried into the old country, would soon lay it waste, more effectually than either fire or sword It is more difficult to raise a hundred dollars here than a hundred pounds in England Individuals, who are rich in land, are generally without cash, and have their personalty seized, and sold for small debts, of a few dollars only

_16th_--All kinds of fruit and vegetables (potatoes excepted) are now remarkably scarce, and enor the winter and spring, except on the tables of the rich In summer they cost as much or more than butcher's meat; yet thousands of acres, all round the city, close to water and manure, are to be had by any body free of rent! In summer the potatoes were one dollar fifty cents per bushel; now, eastern potatoes sell for 50 to 75 cents, and nothing but potatoes come on the tables of the bulk of the people What is the cause? ”Why,” says one, ”the gardeners get rich and ride in their single horse chaise, because the business is so profitable They have no competition {395} Whatever they send to market is sold only at their own price It is their will to have 150 per cent, above the value of an article Rather than undersell, they would carry hos!” So that the will of the gardener governs the price, although the means of opposition are open to all! The poor farmer comes to market with his flour, but _his_ will is to take just what is offered hi to have ten dollars a barrel for flour, orth only four dollars and a half But what is the real cause of the high price of vegetables in this soil and cliardens; not even the rich; because they can buy cheaper than they can raise them; and it is found that none but the poor, humble man, who has no capital, will attempt it, because others can e It is therefore an undoubted fact, that the soil and cli raised, at a much lower price than that at which they are actually sold In su are absolutely necessary, and the soil is poor into the bargain; insomuch that the seed rises so weak, that the sun would burn up the plants instantly, without great attention to shade and watering, and if this were not so, rasshoppers would eat all in spite of any measures for their preservation

{396} _Winter Prices of Garden-stuff_

Winter greens, lightly put in, one quarter dollar per peck

Spinach, the saht, yellow and bad, having been buried from the frost, four cents each

Potatoes, seventy-five cents a bushel

Carrots, bad and scabby, 9_d_ sterling, to one quarter dollar per peck

_23rd_--Co killed five men in the sa, because they could not extract the fatal ball froencer, ”One of the bright stars of Columbia, set for ever!” And the country is summoned to mourn for him The president and the heads of departments, with military and naval officers and citizens, walked in procession at his funeral

The laws of heaven and earth, on this subject, are here quite insulted, by co that her husband was gone to fight a duel, fifty ht horaced It is a rule here always to take skilful aio up and shoot the other, if he does not beg for his life

{397} A gentle it, but the other said, ”If your life is not worth asking for, it is not worth taking!” And so fired in the air

A sinecure, or so, Esq of Washi+ngton[141] The holder of this situation is enjoined to write in defence of the Aovernment, and at the same time to vilify the British Mr Colvin, late editor of the National Register, in a critique on Lancaster's lectures, says, ”that we ( America) are more virtuous than the people of other nations, I cannot believe It is sufficient that we are equal, not worse” That there is no great superiority ofanecdote will prove A gentleman seduced the sister of his oife, and then, to hide her disgrace, disguised his wife in the uniform of a lieutenant of the United States' navy, andwoman to her The lieutenant of course went to sea immediately, and, poor man! was never heard of ht, and all the gay coenious trick!

_24th_--Flour now is only four dollars and a half a barrel, five bushels to a barrel After hauling, grinding, and the cost of the empty barrel, are deducted, it is seen that the farmer only receives two dollars fifty cents, for five bushels of fine wheat Under such circumstances, where is profit?

{398} _Sunday, 26th_--I left this city and old friends, to return, perhaps, no more At Baltimore, ona few sain at Philadelphia, where British and French goods are selling at 200 per cent under cost So great is the distress fortheir stock to auction I visited Mr Potter, an English merchant, who has been established here ever since the peace of 1786 He is now rich, but loves England still He was intimately known to the Duke of Kent He says that corruption is rising into an English sense, even here; and adding the state and general taxes together, they lish taxation

_29th_--Six hundred prisoners are this day in a state ofto escape by violence from the Philadelphia state prison

One is shot, and three or four are wounded The mail robbers now in custody killed the driver of the mail, but they have restored all the ed

_31st_--I parted with ain at Baltimore, in June I reached Newcastle, Delaware State, and visited its old Golgotha, on a bluff, near the river Delaware, which washes the feet of the dead, exposes a great part of the coffin, and bleaches the skulls and bones of raves and break in the coffins, for here is nothing to protect these bones fro rain on the trees, which, over an extent of country six tiland, has despoiled trees as coh theht ten tihs

Many farmers lost nearly all their tiht of the ice adhering to her rigging

_April 7th_--I ht a beautiful farood house and improvements, six miles only from Philadelphia, at twenty dollars an acre, at a sheriff's sale A law has just passed to prevent anyunder two thirds of a fair valuation A quaker who to Baltimore He did not succeed at Philadelphia, the only place where he could have succeeded, because he expected more attention from the inhabitants of that city, than they ever pay to any body

Visited Peale's n curiosities, ast the forh, and horns, nine feet long, under the belly of which, as under an arch, a horse ator {400} Several bodies of Indian chiefs are here to be seen dried, standing in their usual dresses and attitudes, as well as sohs and legs of an Indian, tanned by Indians into fine leather, for thus they use their prisoners taken in battle I saw the manuscript of a poem of Major Andre, penned about two months before his execution[144] Here is also a fine collection of national portraits

_8th_--I this day set sail from Philadelphia for Charleston, in the _General Wade Ha