Vol 7 Chapter 8 (1/2)

The Eighth Question

Please read the following passage and choose the wrong conclusion from the brackets

Jih they're poor, they still loved each other

Jiolden watch that's passed down from his family And Della's treasure was the beautiful hair of hers

Christift for her beloved husband She cut off her beautiful hair willingly and sold it to the wig shop She used the money she earned froolden watch

When Jim returned back hory, shocked, unhappy nor afraid, but felt coht for Della was that beautiful hair-comb Della alanted[1]

(1) Because Della couldn't use the iteht for her

(2) Because he felt happy about understanding Della's feelings for him

(3) Because the originally beautiful Della looked ugly now that her hair was cut, and Jim felt that it was a pity

(4) Because Jiht for him couldn't be used anymore

Kirishi+ma Shouko's answer:


Teacher's comment

That's correct This is a faot for each other couldn't be used, but they understood each other's feelings for each other It's a heartwar story, and sensei hope that the students can have their oonderful families in the future

Kudou Aiko's answer

(3) Short hair's rather cute too!

Teacher's comment

The answer's correct, but sensei feels that your understanding seem to be a little off

Either way, the question stated to 'note the wrong conclusion', so (3) is the correct answer

Sugawa Ryo's answer

(Ku)risumasu' (Christmas) supposed to be the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth THIS STORY IS damn WRONG FOR HAVING MAN AND WOMAN EXCHANGE IN SOME SICKLY AND ICKY SWEET EMOTIONAL EXCHANGE!!

Teacher's comment

There's no such thing as option (Ku)








“““LEAVE IT TO US!!!”””

As Yuuji rallied everyone like usual, everyone got pumped That Yuuji finally did what he had to do See on his real ability


Yuuji called out the first, second and third batter, and the three people that were called out walked to Yuuji in unison

“It’s tiuys know that we can’t win if we keep this up Even if we et a base on balls or hit by pitch, it’s unlikely that we’ll get any points from them”

We ed to defend quite well just now, but our offense is rather pitiful Yuuji’s right Even if we uarantee that ill be able to get any points from them

“So right noe can only bank everything on this plan I want you people to drag the time on as much as you can”

“Mn, I got it”

“For our Ero—for the sake of our reference books, I will think of so on”

“But we can’t fail this time”

All 3 of thereed to take part in this operation It’s a rare chance for the perfor tactic Every time this happens, I always feel that they’re members of class F

“Ero book, ero boo, ero book…”

“Pilloimsuit photo, bathroom curtain…”

…They’re really members of F class…


The batter will try to delay the ga the rules as each of the position It seeet a foul ball to waste more time

“Are you ready, Yuuji?”

“Of course I already gave instructions to those guys Noe just need to wait for the time to arrive”

“Is that so? Then we can only pray for the three of them to delay time as much as possible”


I exchanged words with Yuuji as I prayed earnestly inside while looking at the situation on the field Our opponents are the teachers I don’t even knohether we can even delay some time



After recovering, I found that Kondou-kun was forced into a tight spot Even after hanging on for so long, he finally took 3 strikes

The next batter Yokoht, but the opponent landed soot struck out as well Hideyoshi+’s the only batter left in this inning

But, our chance—still hasn’t arrived yet

“It guess it’s about time…”

“Just a little bit It’ll begin in just a while Do your best, Hideyoshi+…”


Just ere discussing this, thethe bat to try and hit the fastball the teacher pitched

Right now, the time on the school wall is 228pm it feels like time just went by so slowly because there’s no second hand

“damn it If only that teacher pitched 4 balls…”

“Based on that teacher’s personality, I think he’ll pitch rather carefully”

The pitcher for this inning is the English Writing teacher Yah the pitches he threeren’t so fast that we couldn’t react, his control is rather good Looking at this, I don’t think we can expect a 4 balls walk

“Can’t we hit it out?”

“Well, we can’t possibly hit it far Besides, the shortstop and second baseman are that Terai and Ooshi+ma”

One is Terai-sensei who’s young and played baseball before, and the other is the health and physical education teacher Ooshi+ma-sensei We can’t possibly beat them with our abilities even if we do our best Besides, the opponent can’t possibly throw four balls, so we can only pray for Hideyoshi+ to do his best and hang on…


I don’t kno ht now, It’s 1 ball and 2 strikes While the opponent can throw a ball, we can’t allow anythat many pitches, Hideyoshi+’s concentration should be at his limit

“Not yet, not yet…”

“Hang in there, please, Hideyoshi+…”

I can feel these anxious e thewe can do is to pray



Every time the ball was pitched, cold sould break out of s stand now, it won’t be weird for Hideyoshi+ to be out at this point

The palhtly clenched fist is filled with sweat as I bendfor the time to arrive fast

“…It’s here”

Suddenly, Muttsurini muttered


Yuuji felt ju on the school building


Some static could be heard from the loudspeaker as the sharp sounds reached our ears


Yuuji shouted out in excitement

The next second, the audio broadcast could be heard throughout the entire sports arena

“Right now, there will be a borrowing race in the center sports hall All participants, please head to the designated area—”

“““IT’S HERE—!!!”””

Everyone cried out in unison

After that, Hideyoshi+ was thrown out and finally ruled to be out Now, it’ll be a switchover, but even so…we achieved our objective!

“Yare yare…looks like I ed to succeed”

“Ahh! Hideyoshi+! Nice going! Nice job too, Kondou and Yokomizo!”

Patting Hideyoshi+’s shoulder as he returned to the bench, Yuuji looked extre for this moment!

“Eh? What’s wrong with theot 3 outs on them, yet they look so happy”

“Uu, who knows”

“Those guys ”

Several teachers feel amazed by our reaction It’s true that our attack ended, but this is a trap for our next inning We focused on the last inning, and we have to use that inning to get our final victory!

“Yoshi+, Sakaet on field to defend!”

Ironman walked to our noisy bench and proet ready

“We know, but just wait”

“? Wait for what?”

“You’ll see I think they’ll be here soon”

I s and looked around As expected, a few people are running over to us They’re here! Our class F classmates!”

“What are those guys doing? Why are they rushi+ng so fast—”

Iron here and can’t help but have a question mark above his head At thisteachers who are on the baseball field

“Endou-sensei! We’re having a borrowing race! Sorry, but please co with us!”

“Eh? But I have to be in charge of the match here!”

“Just co with us!”


“It’s useless to talk further! An ordinary event’s much more important than the baseball tournament!”


I can see several teachers widening their eyes in shock That’s right, this event was planned beforehand This baseball , and the other events are of priority

“Ah, well…sorry senseis I have to go first”

“Hurry up, sensei!”

The teacher in charge of supervision in this ed by the hand

“This can’t be helped The teachers on the bench will have to—”

“Funakoshi+-sensei! Please co with us!”

“Takenaka-sensei, please!”

The other two teachers on the bench were called up, and the ones who called them were our F class members as well With that, the teachers have no more additional help


“Well, what do you think?”

“Stoparound Weren’t the people who came over all F class people?”

“Haha, that’s a coincidence, right?”

Of course it’s not After knowing the lineup of the teachers, Yuuji already requested our classuess the paper they drew should be so completely different from what they needed to borrow

“Ironman, there’s no other teachers left now, you know”

“Can’t be helped I’ll just have to ask the teachers in the previous few innings”

“That’ll be against the rules The rules were already decided that the ‘saet?”

“Then what do you want me to do? There’s no more teachers who can act as supervisor, and we can’t use any teachers who’ve supervised the previous few subjects Are you planning onus compete with 8 players?”

Ironht that ill use this to render the ? Besides, on’t get any benefit if that’s the case

“I—Nishi+mura-sensei, there are other subjects that can be used to decide this, isn’t it?”

“What are you saying, Yoshi+ The teachers ere able to supervise were taken away”

“No What Iteachers were taken away, there’s another subject that can allow us to continue playing”

This is the plan Yuuji thought of in the beginning Using the sports rammed rules to let us continue this match, a way for us to win

“For the 5th inning, we’ll use physical education—we’ll ith our real ability!”

We’re not deciding this throughour own bodies Physical education is able another subject the students need to learn We’ll use this real baseball hly crush the teachers

“Alright, everyone Put on your gloves! The 5th inning’s not going to be easy!”

Yuuji stretched his arloves we borrowed from the baseball club beforehand

Thus, it’s now the final inning This is the only teachers-vs-students exchange in for real



Again, I’ the catcher Our opponent this tiawa-sensei who’s on for the second time I was really scared until a while back, but at this moment, I don’t feel afraid at all

(Outside corner, high, curve)

I pitch the ball according to Yuuji’s direction Althoughability’s only at recreational level, but it’s enough to deal with the teachers who aren’t athletic enough!



Hasegawa-sensei just stood there blankly as the ball just flew into the catcher’s glove With that, we ed to take the lead in the ballcount

(Keep low Straight)

Nodding htly, I pitched it down and ht corner

(Inside corner Low Slow ball)

This is a feisty ball fro to his instruction

“Oh, oh my”

Coawa-sensei bent low but


We dealt with one Now the next batter’s Ujiie-sensei, and after that, it’s Yamada-sensei

Yuuji and I eups toThis unkind mix dealt with Ujiie-sensei and Yamada-sensei well


The ue over

“Good thing eren’t facing Ironman or Ooshi+ma-sensei”


I returned back to the rest area and exchanged a feords with Hideyoshi+ nearby Good thing eren’t facing Ironman or Ooshi+ma-sensei In a real match, those till definitely be the people we need to watch out for

“Actually, I really wished that we could borrow the race”

“Let’s not talk about the kind Endou-sensei It won’t be that easy to borrow Ironman and Ooshi+ma-sensei”

Hideyoshi+’s right Those ton’t let us drag theht even ask to see the content of the paper If that happened, our lies will be seen through We would end up revealing the content of the papers if we asked tooinsult to injury So we have to play just a little risk

“It seems that Ironman and Ooshi+ma-sensei still don’t trust us”

“After doing so s, it’s no wonder they won’t believe us”

We returned to the bench while talking

After the outfielders all returned, Yuuji looked around at everyone and finally spoke up,

“Alright…now, it’s our last chance to attack”

Right now, the score’s 0-1 It’s now the botto This is our last attack

“It’s not enough to get a point We’ll lose if we can’t get a turnaround in this inning We don’t have a chance of winning in extra innings”

If we get into extra innings, the teachers ere taken away for the borrowing race will co thiswill become zero

“This inning is the time e have to show off our real ability No et 2 points LISTEN UP, YOU GUYS! WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO WIN THIS MATCH!!!”


Our ht of victory Noe can only progress on

However, at this moment—

“If that’s the case, can I switch out with Tsuchiya?”


“As the first batter of this inning, Minami suddenly made this request Switch out? What does she want to do?

“What’s wrong, Minami? Don’t you have any confidence?”

“Mn, one reason is that I don’t have the confidence Either way, I can’t possibly play baseball as well as guys A girl’s physical abilities can’t uy, and I’m not so experienced with baseball after all”

“I see…girls don’t really get involved in baseball often”

As compared to us who often skip class to play baseball, Minami’s experience with baseball is really minimal However, I don’t think she would lose to anyone of us in terms of athletic ability…

“So I want to switch with Tsuchiya Tsuchiya would definitely perform better than me And besides—”


“Besides, inhis best in baseball looks really cool, doesn’t he?”

While saying that, Minami smiled happily

Minah she did all sorts of terrifying things in front of us, but irl more than anyone That idea suddenly popped up in me
