Vol 3 Chapter 2 (2/2)

Oh reat! There should be no problems now

”Not possible, Akihisa”

However, Yuuji da course itinerary?

”Why not?”

”Well, that's to be expected, since I'uy”

”Just read the 3rd page of the itinerary booklet”

I obediently follow Yuuji's instructions and read the 3rd page Looking at it—

~Dor locations and timeslots~

Boys classes A, B, C –20:00~21:00 Large bathroom (Male)

Boys classes D, E, F –21:00~22:00 Large bathroom (Male)

Girls classes A, B, C –20:00~21:00 Large bathroom (Female)

Girls classes D, E, F –21:00~22:00 Large bathroom (Female)

Class F's Kinoshi+ta Hideyoshi+ –20:00~21:00 Personal Bathroom (4)

”daet Hideyoshi+ to help us out now”

”Seems that way”

”Why am I the only one with a personal bathroom?”

And I thought that this was a perfect plan What a pity!

Just as the four of us wereof a plan



Our roo in

”Wha, what's going on?”

”Get over here, Kinoshi+ta! You three over there, don't think of putting up any resistance!”

Standing in the frontmost position, Minami i Nice, as expected of Minami!

”Why did you guys run to theso suddenly?”

This isn't the probleht?

”Noant to knohy in the world did you girls co into our room?”

After closing the , Yuuji questioned the entire group of girls Muttsulini and I also put down our extres and turn around to face them

”And you dare to act like you're innocent We already knew that you guys are the culprits!”

Showing a high and hty attitude as she walks past Minairls behind her fold their arree as they nod their heads

”Culprits? What are you talking about?”


Koya in front of us What's that?

”CCD camera and a mini-microphone”

Having absolute knowledge regarding these kinds of things, Muttsulini answered

Oh, I see So this was installed inside the girl's changing room—

”Eh? Isn't that peeping? Who would do such a thing?”

”Stop playing duuys?”

Hearing this, Hideyoshi+ steps in and confronts Koyama-san

”It's not like that We didn't do such a thing! This dastardly thing of peeping—”

In order to prove our innocence, Hideyoshi+ got so anxious that his voice got hoarse naturally without anyone noticing I should respond to that trust

”That's right, we didn't do such a thing!”

”(Nods head violently)”

While Hideyoshi+ refuted this, Muttsulini and I lared at by Koyama-san

”So what's with this dastardly way of peeping?”

”Ireally can't deny it”


To think that Hideyoshi+ thinks that Muttsulini and I are of an equal level? I' to cry

”I really didn't think that Yoshi+-kun, you guyswill actually go to this extent”

Airls, Himeji-san said this with an incredulous voice of disbelief Hearing her say this, it's like we betrayed her trust, it really hurts and aches BUT I DON'T REMEMBER DOING SUCH A THING!!

”AkiI trusted you, why ?”

”Mina those interrogation tools, right?”

On a side note, I don't sense any trust from her at all

”Himeji-san, you're mistaken! We're really!”

”I'ry! You actually went to peep on us while our stomachs were all full with dinner—, it's a lot skinnier!”

So that's your reason for being angry?

”My,as usual, you know!?”

”That's a lie”


”I'hts out loud!”

The girls quickly surround us, forcing Muttsulini and ood! The only person we can ask for help right now is—


”I won't forgive you for being fickle-minded in love”

”Hang on, Shouko! Calm down for a while GYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”

”Before you admit your deeds, we'll love you to our hearts' contents!”

Now Minami has finally revealed her sadistic personality We'll die if we don't iot to praise her a bit

”Well, I have been looking at Minae breasts you know GYYYYAAAHHH!!”

”Now for the first block”

I definitely praised her! She still dropped such a heavy object on my knees even after I did my best to praise her!!

”Yoshi+-kun, so you've seen Minami-chan's breasts?”

”Ah ha ha ha Nar nar Gentle Hiht AHHOOOOWWWW!!”

”You should answer the question properly, you know?'

Nowadays, I feel that there's so more to Himeji-san's smile than a smile

Seeot too close to death a lot more times than usual today

After 30 ation, ere released due to insufficient evidence

”This is just added punish of which, why am I the only one treated as a victim?”

”Yeah, that'll cause a ”

”There wasn't any visible evidence left behind in the first place”

Muttsulini, your wordsus back into the torturous hell!

Oh yeah, Yuuji should be alright, right? Why hasn't he le sound yet?

”Yuuji, you alright? Why haven't you said anything yet?”

As I asked, Yuuji suddenly stood up as if he e decision

”Isn't this perfect?”

The deep, angry voice bellows throughout the room

”Eh? What's with you, Yuuji?”

”Since they won't be convinced even with all these, why don't we grant them their wish?”

His eyes are blazing with determination as if they're on fire

”Are you really thinking”

”Yes, that's exactly what I' on them, WHY DON'T WE JUST PEEP ON THEM BRAZENLY!!”

”Yuuji, if you really want to see Kirishi+ma-san's naked body so much, why don't you just ask her?”

And we're already thinking about peeping on theuard There has to be a limit to stupidity

”Wha, are you stupid? I'm not interested in Shouko's naked body!”

Man up and tell the truth, Yuuji, I'm really interested

”Uh huh, are you thinking of searching for the culprit with the burn mark on the butt?”

”That's right I already felt that it was too despicable, but since they accused us without any proof, there's no need to consider this too much WE'RE GOING TO PEEP ON THEM AND CATCH THE CULPRIT WHILE WE'RE AT IT!!”

Yuuji's right Since we're treated like peeping toht to do this Besides, if I don't do this, those e photos of me will be scattered all over the world!

”The camera and microphone just noere of the same model as the ones the culprit threatened you tith”

”What? Is that true, Muttsulini?”


”Really? Now that's a fact worth being happy about”


”(Nods head)”

All three of them fold their arms and respond in unison Eh, about that—

”Excuse mebut what's the situation now?”

”Akihisa's still Akihisa You can't even grasp this level of situation Basically, here's how it goes” Yuuji takes out a piece of paper and starts to draw on it

”The person who blackmailed you and irls' changing room as the one used to blackmail us Then, if the female culprit has a burn on her butt—”

”Ah, I see! As long as we can find the culprit with the burn mark on the butt, all the problems will be solved!”

Though peeping isn't so praiseworthy, we have no choice but to do this This is for Yuuji, for ht futures! Thus, we have to PEEP!

”But speaking of which, as long as things involve Kirishi+ma-san, Yuuji would be extremely o to this extent?”

That was a whole world of difference in contrast to his normally lazy attitude

”Actually, a while back, I was drugged by Shouko and got unconscious”

”I'ot about that It must have been really hard on you”

”The moment I woke up, I found myself kidnapped to her house”

So Yuuji got kidnapped to Kirishi+ma-san's house Since Yuuji didn't really care, she used such a hardcore ive up

”Heh~so did you say hello to Kirishi+ma-san's parents?”

”No, it's not that, her house--”

Don't tellwith her as well?

”--got my room prepared”

So Yuuji's about to take the last step, huh?

”If her fae proposal, my, my future will be”

See doadays, however, a slightly broken Yuuji has a bit more variety Oh well, that isn't bad

”Er, guys, if we don't hurry, the bathing tiirls will end”

”(Nods head)”

”Eh? Hideyoshi+ and Muttsulini are going to help us?”

”Of course My friend's in trouble, how can I just sit back and watch?”

”(Nods head violently)”

As expected of ot soh and not worth doing, they're still willing to lend us a helping hand

”And I do have soe proposal”

Oh yeah, there's another reason to this But the one who forced Yuuji to say this was me, so Hideyoshi+ has no need to be bothered by it

”I've already confir area”

Muttsulini walks out of the roo without any hesitation at all

”Yosh!+ Yuuji, hurry and get up! We're going to peep! (Gives hiood hit)”

”Ugh—what's going on?”

”Now Akihisa's getting skilled in treating Yuuji”

Thisto that other world for no good reason

”There's now 40 roup”

Muttsulini checks his watch to confirm

”No tiot to hurry”

”You're right, let's run”

”Got it!”

We didn't wear any shoes or indoor slips, only socks as we moved about on the corridor Of course, this is to prevent footstep sounds fro made

Maybe because the boys and girls bathing times are the same, we didn't meet anyone on the way

”After walking past the staircase and down a bit, it'll be the girls' bathing area”

Muttsulini stopped in front of the stairs

In other words, once we get down the stairs and go all the e'll reach the girls' bathing area Since the place is underground, we can't peek froo all the way down

”Alright, we don't have h the last line of defense!”

”The goal's right in front of you” Yuuji said

”””(Nods head)”””

The 3 of us silently nodded our heads and dashed down the stairs at a terrifying speed

Taking 2 steps down at a tiirls' bathing area

”I heard that so roouard Didn't expect the culprits to really come over”

Looking around to find the source of the voice, the one that appeared in front of us was a familiar male teacher It's Fuse-sensei, the chemistry teacher

”What now, Yuuji? It's Fuse-sensei”

”Don't worry, we'll just knock him out with a punch”

”You should be worried, Sakamoto! I'm still a teacher, you know!”

”Got it, then we'll settle it with a punch!”

”What are you doing, Yoshi+?”

This was to defend our innocence Once we find out who the culprit is, everyone will forgive us! That's right, we're pursuing the truth! Justice will always be on our side!

”—However, I'll let you feel all this anger that I built up over remedial classes!”


My iron fist of justice locked onto Fuse-sensei, ready to fire out any second

”GGGYYYAAA! Su, summon!”

Suddenly, a little body appeared in front of me and blocked my fist

”A Summoned beast?”

I quickly jumped back and maintained a safe distance

A faic array appeared besides sensei's feet At this moment, what appeared in front of h level, several tier than those of the poor performers If it's a teacher's summon, this summoned beast should have an immeasurable power

However, a normal summoned beast should be unable to touch humans or physical objects

”damn it! So the teachers' summoned beasts can touch physical objects?” Yuuji muttered bitterly

Like e're seeing, ot blocked by Fuse-sensei's summoned beast In other words, sensei's summoned beast can interfere with physics

”Ho, so I finally nated as a 'punishment inspector', we had to experience it ourselves, so our summoned beasts can touch physical objects Besides, who asked us to be teachers? We have to step in and stop the young fro rampant sometimes”

If so, Fuse-sensei should be rather used to controlling a su harder and harder to handle

”But isn't this too despicable! Since you're setting your own questions, wouldn't your summoned beasts be too powerful!?”

Sensei's answers should be siainst soeous position and can only try to get back up

”No, this isn't a real battle anyway, so it isn't really despicable Besides, you boys wanted to beat ht?”

Adults are really despicable, always thinking of ways to trick us

”And besides, teachers need to take tests Our tests are set by teacher from other levels”

”Eh, really?”

”Well, since the principal's philosophy is that 'teachers theh to educate students'”

Really? Seeing the principal nor so nonchalantly, she sure is serious as an educator

”Alright, time for you boys to be obedient, okay?”

Fuse-sensei's suhting against a su than an ordinary hu out a similar battle ability

”Is so, we should resist with all we have and beat down Fuse-sensei's summoned beast”

”That's the spirit! I'll leave it to you, Yuuji!”

Using Yuuji as a shi+eld, I hastily moved forward

”Hold it right there”

My shi+rt suddenly got tugged back What? I' area

”Let's hear your chemistry score”

Oh my, really You don't think you have a chance without , do you? Can't be helped

That chemistry test Alet one more mark—

”—With one extra it score”

”Hurry up and scram, you useless piece of trash”

It, it's not what you think! I just accidentally miswrote my answers on the next question! It's not because my minds' bad!

”If the opponent's a teacher, it'll be tough for one person to handle I'll stay as well, Akihisa, Muttsulini, hurry up and move on!”

Even if it's Yuuji, it's unlikely that he'll beat a teacher, so Hideyoshi+ decided to stay behind and help hiether, there should be no probleht?”

”Then I'll leave it to you then, Hideyoshi+ Come on, summon!”

”For the sake of clearing the na Summon!”

Yuuji and Hideyoshi+ have sufamiliar patterns to appear on the floor

In the blink of an eye, both Hideyoshi+ and Yuuji's summoned beasts appear

”Muttsulini, as according to plan, leave this to Yuuji and Hideyoshi+ We'll go—WHAT THE hell, HE DISAPPEARED!?”

Muttsulini had already hastened his feet as heot to catch up!

”Oi, you two! Tsuchiya, Yoshi+! Hold on a minute!”

”Sorry, Fuse-sensei, but I won't allow you to stop them”

”That's the case, so please stay behind and play with us”

I could roughly hear Yuuji and the others talking, but Muttsulini and I dashed forithout looking back Just at this h—

”Hold it right there”

Another teacher blocked us


It's expected that he would be like this, since to Muttsulini, this opponent is like a grand master! This person who cae of Health and Physical Education

But since the opponent is the Health Ed teacher, it h Mutsulini is truly a rare national-class idiot when it comes to other subjects, his ability can reallymatch between these two”


”(nods head)”

Muttsulini looks serious as he nods his head, walking towards Ooshi+ma-sensei



”This isn't peeping”

Getting ready to su

Seeht from the start, but will try to convince Ooshi+ma-sensei This is rare, especially for him

”Then if it's not peeping, what is it?”

Seems like Muttsulini's tactic worked as Ooshi+ma-sensei retorted Maybe it'll be easier to convince hiot to see this

”This is—”

Though it's soft, Muttsulini's voice echoes inexplicably in my ears

”—Practical health education”


Unfortunately, his attempt to convince sensei failed

”I'll leave it to you here, Muttsulini!”


Muttsulini looks unhappy as he summoned his summoned beast Did he really think that he could convince Ooshi+ht so, I can only say that he is one eniguy

”I'll go off first, Muttsulini! We'll meet up once you beat sensei!”

After leaving Muttsulini with these words, I ran on ahead

”So you think you can take me? You brats better listen, don't ever—UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OWN TEACHERS!”

PE Teacher, Ooshi+ma Takeshi+, Health Education 663 points

F class, Tsuchiya Kouta, Health Education 424 points


I continued to run, but stopped due to being shocked

Did I see Ooshi+ma-sensei's points correctly before I left? 663 POINTSIS THAT EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE? DID SOMETHING GO WRONG?

”Did they change the ?”

”You idiot, we teachers will definitely not do such a stupid thing!”

My little ot a familiar response This, this voice is—



His back facing the girls bathing area, my eternal enemy Ironman, also known as Nishi+mura-sensei, stood there, hisme

”Really, I guess you people don't know, but we teachers have to study as well! This is for us teachers to be professional!”

”Ah, I see It's been tough on you~”

”That's right, an educator's life is tough” Ironman muttered painfully to himself

Though I really can't see it, it seeh

”On a side note, how et?”

”I was busy relieving the ex-homeroom teacher, so I didn't have time to take my tests, and so I don't have any marks”

”I see, so in other words, you don't have any ht? As expected of idiot Nishi+mura-sensei who has only brawns and doesn't have a brain at all”

”Yoshi+, for safety's sake, I'll ask you this—what's your blood type?”

A too much? Why do I feel like he's about to beat ain?

”An, anyway, I got to get through! Move aside! Summon!”

I'll reach h no matter what!

Remedial teacher, Nishi+mura Sochi, combined subjects NONE

Class F, Akihisa Yoshi+, combined subjects 929 points


Facing ets into a fighting position

Eh? Fists? Isn't he going to summon?

As far as I know, a suer than an ordinary huainst another su to summon one

”So sensei, did you forget that my summoned beast can touch physical objects?”

It's true that normally, an ordinary student's sunore the existence of the suo after the human However, my summoned beast has the ability of the 'punishment inspector', which allows it to touch huth to easily beat Ironman So in order not to allow me to do whatever I want, Ironman should summon a summoned beast to counter

”You big idiot How can I forget what kind of ability does the summoned beast of the one problematic student in our school's history has?”

”But if so”

”Didn't I say it before, I don't have any marks”

Ironman answered me in an uninterested manner

So without any marks, he can't summon? If so, this is a once in a million rare chance

”If so, including all the hatred that I accumulated up till now—TAKE THIS, IRONMAN!”

The sues over I'll let hi to the side and throooden sword at hile—


Before I could send out a heavy hit, Iron his fist down


The wooden sword lets out a clatter as it lands on the floor

”How can so like this be possible! For an ordinary human to beat a summoned beast!”

So I shouldn't have used a weapon that I'th to fight, I would have beaten him now!

”Yoshi+, do you knohy I didn't cancel your suhts up till now?”



He h into the air Has he co?

”Ohyou're a punish a summoned beast—then it shouldn't be considered corporal punishht?”

Flying high into the air, my summoned beast is defenceless as it shows itself before Ironman

”Eh? I never felt that corporal punishment—”


In an instant, I got hit by his fist 5 times


The sharp pain that caused hout my body

Ho can there be such a ridiculous punch? Just the recoil frout

”However, since you did attack in a entle and kind Nishi+mura-sensei to be your opponent, don't you feel lucky?”

Ironman cracks his knuckles as he moves towards my summoned beast

Not good, not good at all A kind teacher would have let me off here!

”Oh o once you take oes for those three as well”


Looking over at where Iron at, Yuuji, Hideyoshi+ and Muttsulini were already subdued

”Alright First, you'll write a letter of rely, you have to rewrite it no o back to sleep”

Thus, the four of us ended up with the fate of having to kneel on the corridor and write a letter of relish
