32 War Mage 2 (1/2)

The push towards the Silver Serpents headquarters struggled to make headway, caught on open streets and under fire from random gang members and strange dark creatures. Elya led her forces through the cordon, climbing over rooftops wherever possible, skirmishing with archers and strange looking mercenaries, passing down orders to press their enemies further. Alexis led the assault on the street, her heavily armoured form battering through all obstacles, tearing apart any defensive line the Silver Serpents managed to form, yet the enemy was reinforced by nightmarish creatures.

Dark shrouded figures shambled into the assault, resistant to their weapons and capable of soaking up insane amounts of damage. Her forces slogged through the creatures, slowing down to tear them apart. Nasty work but necessary. They'd lost several guards earlier when they'd left the figures for dead only to see them rise up and shred their forces. Alexis' voice was hoarse from screaming orders and bolstering the troops morale. Luckily no one had broken in the face of Demonic creatures. If one faced horrors in their own town, they'd do their best to purge the threat.

Much of the town seemed to believe in that precept, arming themselves and joining the battle. Unfortunately the town had exploded with skirmishes wherever she looked. Reports were coming in that entire districts had erupted in violence as hidden gang members and Demonic entities revealed themselves. Nobles, soldiers, Dragon Lords and who knew what else were tearing through the streets of Konstanz to join her forces as more creatures surged from the enemy headquarters. Demons did that to people. They may hate each other or constantly fight but in the face of Demonic corruption, they'd band together faster than anyone believed possible.

Nikolai's message had been to meet at point orange, one of the prearranged locations along their path of advance which could serve as landmarks. Elya glared at the lopsided pub which was supposed to be their meeting point. The Silver Serpent's defensive efforts were terrible. Until now. A trench cut through the street, lined with stakes and buffered by a wooden palisade bristling with weapons and enemies. Mercenaries lined the makeshift wall, experienced soldiers anchoring the defence and guiding the screaming criminals that provided the line soldiers for their bosses. Her efforts to send troops around or through the surrounding buildings were thwarted at every turn. It appeared her enemies concentrated their forces along a ring that centred on their headquarters, densely occupying buildings and streets to block all avenues of advance. If she ordered a charge, Elya was sure the assault would succeed but at the cost of dozens of her soldiers.

The dark clouds forming around the headquarters terrified her, memories of Nostrum's tower churning within. Drawing her blade she prepared to lead the attack, her abilities would limit the damage on the assault force. A little. The surrounding buildings were filled to the brim with archers and crossbowmen, prepared to shred any attackers so her efforts would have little impact.

”… wait… Khan… attack…” Jarek's voice crackled in her ear and she glanced up at the eye which materialised nearby. Shaking her head and pointing to indicate she didn't understand.

”… Khan about… attack…”

She waved to acknowledge the message and glanced towards the tower, searching for a sign of the magical barrage Nikolai was preparing.

The wind howled, and she glanced up, almost dropping her sword at the sight of her fiancée hovering above her head. Even at this distance she saw the cold, dispassionate eyes so unlike his regular self. Pulses of light flashed from Nezgrom and Elya shivered at the sight, remembering Sieradz, the city that faced the wrath of the Empire in the form of its greatest magical weapon, the Celestial Thunder. Elya's cape whipped around her in the rising air currents and she spotted Nikolai's gesture to find protection from his attack.

A common hand signal for Mages attached to the Ministry of War.

A terrifying signal, indicating the release of great powers.

”Take cover!” She screamed and flung her body behind the parapet of the roof she stood on, shielding her head with trembling arms.

Screams of wind tore over her head, slashing into the palisade with terrifying force. Her body trembled under the impacts, feeling each strike pass from head to toe. Even though the barrage only lasted a few moments, it felt like an eternity, and she was helpless in the face of such might. Dragonslayers had great powers and vitality but confronting a long range barrage like this, not much could survive.

Silence descended for a moment, like the world shied away from the violence that just descended. Now that the attack was complete, Elya peeked over the parapet and surveyed the devastation.

The wooden palisade was just gone. Disintegrated under the barrage, the men and women guarding it turned to dust. The surrounding buildings lay shattered, agonised moans and shrieks of horror rising from the rubble, injured enemy forces stumbling from the wreckage. Shaky guards moving to arrest whoever remained and slipping past the damage to press deeper into Silver Serpent territory. A subdued Alexis trotted behind the lead elements, helmet swaying side to side in a bid to assess the damage.

A whisper of sound behind her signalled Nikolai's descent and Ely spun to face him, eyes wavering at the sight of the War Mage. His body sparked with residual power and bursts of magical force spun within his pupils, burning in a glorious rage. She felt like she was facing an ancient beast and her hand slid along her sword hilt, trying to get a better grip. Nikolai observed the effects of his attack, indifferent to the terrorised screams that carried to them over the wind. Seemingly satisfied, the light swirling within Nezgrom flickered for a moment, dimming instantly and he blinked, a soft smile appearing as the magic faded.

”Thought you needed help.” He quipped, moving to join her.

”It was timely.” She agreed. Drops of sweat flowed down her face, the presence of so much magic brought back terrifying memories. Removing her helmet, Elya wiped the sweat away with her cape and took a sip of water from the waterskin tied at her belt.

”What's wrong with your voice?” Nikolai frowned, scrutinising her figure in search of the problem.

”Voice? Nothing. Everything's fine.”

”You're sort of hissing.”

”Oh! That.” She ran her tongue over the gap in her teeth. ”One of my teeth was knocked loose by those Battle Mages. Not sure when, but some time during later fights it fell out.” She shrugged, it was a little concerning but invisible unless someone dug through her mouth.

Nikolai's hand darted for her face and caught by surprise she latched onto his wrist, holding him in place.

”What are you doing?” glaring at his innocent expression she spat to the side. Not very feminine, but the rising dust coated the inside of her mouth and in a fight it was better to be at ease than to look pretty.

”Checking the damage.” He remarked trying to get his hand back.