29 Stella Maris (1/2)
The Stella Maris was one of the newest galleons built for the Condotti trading company in the great Vezani shipyards. Infused with the latest magical techniques and crewed by a thousand men, it was a vessel that boasted the strength of the Vezani navy. A flagship for a major trading company, backed by the threat of the Vezani Princes. It dwarfed the docks, overshadowing every other ship that dropped anchor in Konstanz. Built from ancient cured timber and sheets of a strange magical material even Elya felt trepidation in the face of such a behemoth. She'd faced down Dragons and all manner of beasts but this creature was backed by the force of some of the wealthiest people alive.
”It's amazing that we can make out so much detail with these.” Alexis admired the looking glass Nikolai had provided them. He'd taken it from his personal collection, a simple device that relied on Vezani craftmanship for its lenses and fittings.
Simple for them at least.
The Vezani maintained detailed records of all their looking glasses and only with their recent vassalisation were they willing to offer a few pieces for the Ministry of War. Each of those was marked with a serial number and engraving of the Emperor's seal, which this one lacked. Despite the best efforts of the various craftsman outside the Princedoms no one reproduced the quality and distance that a Vezani looking glass was capable of. Nikolai avoided her questions of its origin and claimed he'd retrieved it from an enemy during the war. She doubted him but couldn't ask when he was being so stubborn.
”Don't lose focus. Keep an eye out for the customs official.”
”I know what I'm doing Captain.” Alexis replied in a huff, returning to her observation and providing a running commentary as the ship docked.
”It's the man we marked earlier.” she growled, almost spitting the words.
”As expected Vice-Captain Barsi.” Petrov coughed lightly from his place against the wall. With the threat of violence looming, he'd donned himself in as much chain-mail as he could. ”It's a testament to your skills that we were able to discover him before the threat could increase. We still have time to nip this in the bud.”
Alexis blushed a little and returned to her surveillance. Elya knew she wasn't embarrassed at being praised but the information had come from Madame Rose and the Black Hand coven, not her. Even before they'd come along and the assassination attempt took place, the Baroness dug deep into the seedy underworld of Konstanz preparing files on every crime boss and their links to the Noble Houses. While the discovery of the Silver Serpents dark leanings had forced them to respond earlier, Elya was sure the guard would have received discreet tips on the various organisations as the Baroness deemed them a threat. Her future mother-in-law cast a fearsome character in Elya's mind. A well-deserved reputation by all the things she'd seen so far.
”Are the guards in place?” Elya turned away from the traders disembarking the Stella Maris.
”Yes Milady, all arrangements per your orders. The Count has given you operational command for this task.”
”It doesn't bother you that your authority has been usurped?”
”I'm aware of my own skills Milady, I'm not a military man.” Petrov hacked a few times and gestured at himself with a weak smile as if to say 'see this is what I mean'. ”It's a relief to leave the decisions to someone else for a change.”
A shiver passed through the guard Commander and he reached into his pocket to consume a medicinal powder he always kept nearby. The tremors passed, and he pointed to the pier where two Knights were making their way to the galleon a squad of mixed women-at-arms and guards trailing behind.
The customs official and merchants who were happily chatting were caught off guard by the newcomers and even from this distance Elya could make out the suspicion that passed through everyone on the pier. Alexis chuckled in delight at the exchange occurring on the docks.
”It's Linea! Old sour face is perfect for this. She's already got those Vezani worked up.” She passed the looking glass to Elya. ”Have a look for yourself, I can almost see steam coming from that young frilly merchant.”
Two merchants, one old and one young, were arguing with the Knight while a dozen Fanti da Mar stood behind them in an arc. Without a doubt Linea knew how to rile someone up, the young merchant was almost frothing at the mouth, his slightly tanned skin flushed a deep red in a rage. Even the disciplined Vezani marines, the great Fanti da Mar, had hands twitching towards their weapons.
”I think they've suffered enough Milady.” Petrov squinted at the galleon, studying something only he could see. ”While I may not be an expert but I would recommend that you should take extra care Milady. I have a feeling there are more soldiers on that vessel than we assumed.”
Elya didn't dismiss the Commander's instincts. There was no harm in taking precautions.