21 Preparing for a Picnic (1/2)

The early morning sunlight shone through the kitchen window dimly illuminating the excited Count and his exhausted friend. At this time, very few people would be awake, and even the kitchen staff were only now trickling into the room to begin their work. It was a testament to how strange House Morales appeared to outsiders as the staff nodded at their Liege, used to his presence, and gave a wide berth as he cooked. If he was boiling eggs, there would be a crowd dragging them in by the bucket, eagerly awaiting their share but they just glanced disappointed at the alchemical cauldron that lay idle on its specially constructed furnace.

”Where did she go?… Ouch!” Nikolai fumbled the knife and sliced his thumb.

”She was seen heading into the Rose building yesterday evening. Alexis Barsi was with her at the time.” Chen passed a strip of cloth he kept at his belt for moments like this. When it came to magic Nikolai was deft and elegant but his ability to handle mundane tasks was shockingly poor. ”They were doing their best to hide their faces. However, a silver-haired woman shrouded in an expensive cloak with a woman who scarfs down the 'Unknown Skewers' aren't difficult to identify.”

”That old man has terrible sense in naming things. If he wanted more business, he should come up with something better.” Nikolai grumbled as he tied the cloth tighter.

”Then don't eat there anymore.” Chen leaned back against the wall, eyes scanning the courtyard outside the kitchen. The sight of Shades had shaken his confidence, and he'd retrieved the Flash Pendant Nikolai designed from deep within his luggage. It hung over his clothes, pulsing occasionally with mana as it searched for signs of Dark Magic. It was bad enough two Shades had been discovered, but it implied that even more horrifying creatures could lurk in the wings.

”As if. It's too good.”

”Then don't complain. Or try to dodge the subject. Do you want me to do something about their visit?”

”It's only been a few days since we were engaged. I don't think I can stop her from visiting those places yet.”

”Stop playing the fool Nikolai.”

He tossed a few vegetables into a simmering pot and pulled out some slices of meat. He diced it into chunks, struggling to maintain an even appearance. Even though he practised on and off for the last few years, his skill with a knife refused to improve. His father gave him a disdainful look every time he complained, eyes demanding more effort in the Morales way. Seasoning the meat with salt and pepper he tossed the chunks into his attempt at soup. Covering the pot, he wiped his hands and faced Chen, dark eyes serious.

”We only have suspicions and rumours that the Black Hand is working out of that place.” He raised a hand to forestall Chen's interruption. ”I am aware that even a small group of their agents could unravel much of what we've done here, but we have no evidence and while I would love to blast through the door and see what's going on inside, we need more than hints and dangerous looking guards to break the laws we're trying to enforce.”

”I'm sure you would love to see what goes on inside.” Chen leered and shot him a debauched grin.

”Not that.” Nikolai sighed at the accusation. He did have an interest in visiting, he wasn't a Senroan eunuch after all, but there had never been an opportunity. At the age when boys were becoming curious about women, he was trudging through the wilderness of the Ellara Duchies alongside his Master for training. The war broke out just before his apprenticeship completed and he was drafted as a War Mage when he returned to the Morales lands. He'd gone from one magical battle to another until his subjugation of the Dragon Lords, at which point the Emperor had sent over the first of his ridiculous plans. When that had been sorted to some extent, he discovered he had a fiancée!

”I have no desire to turn into a tyrant.”

”Why would you feel constrained by the law? You have a writ from the Son of Heaven absolving you of almost any crime you can perpetrate.”

”Are you an idiot? When you are hated by everyone someone will find a way to plunge a knife your back. As long as I'm reasonable and appear to follow rules people will try reason first at least.” History was rife with examples of dethroned tyrants. Sure, the Emperor may purge everyone who acted against him, but he'd be dead. Not the most beneficial route for success. ”Although, you shouldn't know about the writ Andrei.” Nikolai reprimanded his friend. That was a secret known only to the Emperor and Empress, part of his mandate here in Volhiniya.

”You think that the Son of Heaven would let me come here without some information.”

”You're on vacation.” Nikolai glanced at the kitchen staff in the distance meaningfully.

”Riiigggght. Such an enjoyable stay at a Mage's residence.” Chen's hoarse voice struggled to display sarcasm, but Nikolai rolled his eyes at his friend's antics anyway. ”What's with that mess you're making?”

”It's a soup for my date with Elya.” Nikolai stirred the pot and smiled.