18 Tea Party (1/2)

”This tea is delicious.” Elya took another sip and sighed in contentment. The combination of the warm fruity drink with the beautiful porcelain cup was a rare treat.

”I didn't expect you to be such a connoisseur.” The Baroness smiled softly and snapped her fan shut. The garden's small area coupled with the scent of numerous flowers made it an idyllic spot and Elya could see herself coming here in the future for rest or just to enjoy the surroundings. This atmosphere was the reason she threw herself into the military.

Her few appearances at Court had been stifling, an outcast among the young girls because of her training as a Suzdal and avoided by the boys because she didn't behave like a girl. She'd joined the Order as a way to see the world after her disappointments among her peers, enjoying the outdoors more than being cooped up inside carrying out approved 'ladylike' activities.

”I was introduced to a number of teas during a stint I served in the East.” Elya placed her cup down, caressing the rim and grinning at the memories. ”There was an old woman who kept buying stock from the Senroan merchants and she would treat us to cups in return for company.”

”She lacked company?”

”Her husband passed away in a border skirmish and her children died during the outbreak of scarlet fever that spread across the Eastern provinces thirty years ago.” Elya closed her eyes to recall the sad face of that woman. Someone who refused to share her name but instead distributed cups of fragrant tea.

”That was a sad time. I remember the blockades and quarantines. So many families destroyed.” Eva Morales was a perfect noblewoman as far as Elya could tell. Gentle, educated and well versed in the feminine arts. The floral arrangements were a testament to that. ”Still, it's nice to have someone to share my passion of tea with. Niki is a boor, interested only in his magic and books and his father refuses to get close to anything from Senro. You would think that the bad blood between our nations would have settled, but his suspicion remains.”

”That was a difficult time for the Empire Milady.”

”You don't have to defend him Elya and I told you to call me mother.” The Baroness chided her, eyes glittering with affection. The impression Elya got from her was one of eminent satisfaction with the engagement. Whether it was because of her pedigree or her nature was difficult to determine.

”It still feels awkward to call you that… mother. Nikolai and I aren't married yet.”

”It's just a matter of time Elya and he seems smitten with you.”

”Really?” Elya wanted to remain calm, but that comment made her happy. Whatever she may say to Alexis about the value of the marriage, she was intrigued by Nikolai. It certainly wasn't love, but there was definitely a spark of something. In a way, the fact that she was saying 'it wasn't love' so much these days was putting all sorts of doubts into her mind but this wasn't the time to think about it, there might be people trying to assassinate her after all.

”He talks about you quite a bit from what Jarek tells me.” Every time Elya had run into her future mother-in-law she carried a new fan. Today the fan had a golden Dragon emblazoned on a black background and in the light it shimmered like it was alive.

”That's good to know.” It was, but how could Elya say anything to her.

”Yes, I'm sure it would be.” Eva gave her a look filled with amusement. She wouldn't be distracted by a vague response. ”Are you getting used to Konstanz?”

”It's a pleasant town and the people are very nice.”

”Yes, the influence of the Dragon Lords here is great, so the people are very relaxed.”

”You mean disrespectful.” Eva chortled and raised a hand to forestall her interruption. ”It's not a bad thing. Much of the Nobility has forgotten their purpose, and it takes a hardy populace to remind them of it.”