Chapter 971 - Abstract friendship (1/2)
~ Los Angeles, Charlie's villa ~
November 17
10:24 AM
Emma is packing up after the treatment.
”Are you leaving already?”, Charlie asked timidly.
It's two weeks how Emma moved to the Cliffside villa.
When she thinks that she left Charlie's place after leaving him a note, without saying proper goodbye, she feels bad. It might look like she was sneaking out. But at that time Charlie had guests and when Emma saw that older gentleman and his daughter laughing with Charlie, she didn't feel comfortable interrupting.
Since then, Emma comes to Charlie's villa two times a week, in time for his physiotherapy, and she leaves as soon as they finish.
He never visited her, and this is the first time he showed any signs that he wishes for her to stay longer.
Emma looked at the time. ”It's 10:26 AM. In about four minutes Miss Davis will come to visit you, like every Sunday. I can stay until then if you wish.”
”Is that why you leave and don't stay longer? Because of her?”
Emma frowned when she heard his questions. Why is he always making it sound like she is the one who leaves and does not want to spend time with him? She decided to point out his behavior. ”The fact is that you leave and give her company when she comes. Do you expect me to sit on the side and wait until you two are done socializing?”
”Of course, not.” Charlie looked at Emma while trying to find a way to say what is on his mind. ”I miss our chats.”
”I miss them as well.”, Emma said honestly.
”I wish that you didn't move out. When you were here, we spent more time together. Those are good memories for me. How come you don't visit me outside therapy time?”
”How much I know, your social schedule is quite full. But if you have time, how come you didn't visit me?”
Charlie nodded, indicating that she has a point. ”Don't you regret? Leaving?”
”Regret?”, Emma's confusion was obvious. ”Charlie, I was staying here because of your treatment, and I left because someone else needs me.”
”Is that how you see me? As a patient?”
Emma didn't understand the point of his question. And decided not to answer it. ”How would you like me to see you?”
”How about… a friend?” Charlie squinted slightly and added: ”Maybe more than that?”
Emma thought for some time before responding. As much as she wants to say that they are friends, she can't deny that it feels one sided. And she does not want to talk about it, because it will make her appear desperate to spend time with him. However, he asked, so she decided to explain how she feels. ”For me, friendship should be mutual in order to work. And unless people treat each other as equals, it won't work. I admit that I enjoy talking to you. But more than once I was reminded that we are not equals. As for more than that… I would not dare think anything like that.”
”You think less of yourself.”
”I don't. I am realistic.”
Charlie frowned. ”Are you saying that I put myself above you and that I don't treat you as equal?”
Maid knocked, announcing that Miss Davis arrived.
”Take her to the living room. I will join her shortly.”, Charlie told maid and looked at Emma, expecting her answer.