Chapter 936 - Visiting the TV show set (3) (1/2)
JoAnna watched Jules leave their table with a spring in his step. When he was out of sight, JoAnna looked at the phone on the table and smiled.
She got a plastic Ziplock out of her purse and flipped it in order to put her phone in it without touching the phone itself. Once Ziplock with the phone was in her bag, JoAnna got her second (real) phone and called Emma.
”Where are you? … OK. I will meet you there in a minute.”
While walking to meet up with Emma and Charlie, JoAnna recollected her chat with Sarah and Sophia related to Jules after the wedding dinner rehearsal. They all agreed that Jules is up to something. Sophia concluded based on Jules' current behavior that whatever he wants to do, he will not do it openly. Sarah recommended this: a second phone with selected data as a trap to see if Jules will try to access it.
Few minutes ago, while JoAnna was in the washroom, Eve informed her that the phone is being accessed for a full copy. JoAnna smiled while thinking how her sisters are smart. Sarah even prepared virus apps that are on that phone Jules accessed. As soon as those apps get transferred to another device, Sarah will be able to track their location… and they will find out who is pulling the strings behind Jules.
JoAnna tried recollecting, at what point did Jules start acting out of character? She remembers their first meeting. Party of that real-estate-fraud woman. Jules was very proud, obnoxious. Surrounded with women. Was that an act? Or is this submissive Jules who is forgiving her every insult an act?
Her thoughts kept her busy until she reached Emma and Charlie.
”Is everything OK?”, JoAnna was concerned to see that Emma is massaging Charlie's leg.
How much she knows, Charlie's recovery is better (and faster) than expected. He can move his legs and with all the therapy Emma is giving him, he should stand and even walk with support soon.
”I got a feeling that a cramp is coming.”, Charlie explained. ”After a short massage, it's better.”
Emma sighed. ”I am concerned. He had no issues so far, and today… this is the fourth time already. I think we should do scans again. Is it possible that some bone fragments are still inside muscle tissue? What if his body is rejecting implants?”
JoAnna raised an eyebrow while thinking that it does not make sense. Three weeks after surgery, everything was great and now he is experiencing issues?
”Hi Anna.”, deep male voice pulled JoAnna from her thoughts.
She turned around and smiled. ”Hi Ron.” It is Ronald Griffin, an actor in TV drama 'Good Heart 911' .
JoAnna glanced at Emma and saw that she is staring at Ron with a mix of hearts and stars in her eyes.
”Ron, do you have a minute for a photo with a fan?”, JoAnna asked while looking at Emma.
Emma smiled widely when she saw Ron nod.
Charlie grunted and it made Emma's smile fade.
”Is it back again?”, Emma asked Charlie with concern in her voice while glancing at his legs.
”I think so…”, Charlie responded with a frown while reaching for his right leg.
JoAnna rolled her eyes. ”Emma, go and take a photo with Ron. And don't forget the autograph.”
JoAnna saw that Emma wanted to say something about Charlie's legs, and interrupted her. ”I will take care of his almost-cramps. Go.”
Emma smiled and hopped toward Ron. Two of them walked a bit further, to take a photo in front of the ambulance van which was parked on the set. Ron is well versed in fan-service and he immediately started chatting with star-struck Emma, making her giggle.
JoAnna stood in front of Charlie whose gaze was following Emma.
”What are you trying to pull off?”, JoAnna asked Charlie.
He turned to look at her. ”I don't understand.”