Chapter 843 - Something came up (1/2)

Is this destiny? RedSonia 29400K 2022-07-20

~ Hilton Hotel ~

2:53 PM

At the fashion show venue, Ellie is watching her models walking on the runway. Her two designer assistants are by her side, taking notes based on Ellie's comments. There are two more designers who are snapping photos relentlessly with digital cameras. Those photos Ellie will use later to see her designs from different angles. In the fashion world, photo sells the garment... and it needs to be perfect.

Ellie's phone vibrated, she glanced at it and saw that it's a message.

[Jasper]: I'm sorry, something came up. I can pick you up at 5:30.

Ellie frowned. After so many texts and talks about his plans, now he is postponing it? She can't help but doubt his sincerity. She knows that it's probably work, but she expects him to put her first. After all, she came all the way from Seattle, and he knows that she has work as well… that is why she came to Chicago.

Regardless of her busy schedule, Ellie agreed to meet with him at four, leaving her designers and models to pack and have dinner together without her. Also, after four in the afternoon, there should be nothing business-critical. How Ellie sees it, if she can leave her work and employees behind to meet with Jasper, so can he.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and typed a response.

[Ellie]: I'm done at 4. I don't want to wait for an hour and a half.

She looked at the text she sent and thought that if he can't make it and is taking their relationship lightly… then it's better for her to focus on her company and people.

She was frustrated that he thinks it's OK for her just to wait for an hour and a half. Does he think that she has nothing better to do with her time!?

Ellie reminded herself that she came to Chicago because of fashion shows. There are four events for her to present her designs in next two weeks, and it's probably better if she focuses on that.

She hesitated for few seconds before typing another text.

[Ellie]: Maybe we should leave this for some other time.

A second later, messages started popping on her screen:

[Jasper]: No! (emoji who is panicking)

[Jasper]: Let's find something that works.

[Jasper]: Please… (emoji with hands together, praying)

[Jasper]: I waited forever for you to come here. Don't give up on me so easily... (broken hearted emoji)

[Jasper]: Are you willing to come to my office? (nail biting emoji)

[Jasper]: It will take you about half an hour to reach, and I will do my best to finish before 5.

[Jasper]: That is max half an hour wait.

[Jasper]: Sofa in my office is comfortable.

[Jasper]: You can sip some beverage while waiting.

[Jasper]: I will make it up to you.

[Jasper]: Please? (emoji with big expectant eyes)

~ K Industries HQ building ~

Outside Jasper's office.