Chapter 575 - Great Ocean Resort (4) (1/2)
Jeff had few more interactions with Sarah, and she provided all information he requested (and more) about Golden Ocean Resort and its owners.
Jeff was looking at the information: ”Three owners? It's a family business… Dorian Halley has 60% ownership, his son Spencer Halley has 20%, and his daughter Rachel has 20%.”
He called Sarah again. ”Dig up everything you can about the owners. Dorian, Spencer and Rachel Halley. When can I expect to get the results? …”
Jeff checked time. It was almost five in the afternoon. He called JoAnna saying that he will be late, and that she should not worry. Jeff didn't forget to mention that Steve will be late also, and that JoAnna can spend time with Bridgette while two of them wait.
Steve could not say anything, he just cried on the inside, unhappy that they have another extra-long day in office ahead of them. But he knew that his Boss is getting revenge for JoAnna and for Bridgette as well. That made him feel a bit better.
Jeff asked Steve to schedule a meeting with Dorian, Spencer and Rachel Halley for that evening. As long as it's after eight in the evening, it will be fine. Jeff knows that they are in Los Angeles because Sarah confirmed it from their security footage.
Sarah told him that she will give him all dirt she can find on those three by eight in the evening. She was never late, and she does not disappoint. Jeff is confident that Sarah will deliver, because she is also fueled up by desire to avenge her sister. Everyone has some secrets and things that they want to keep hidden, those three resort owners can't be an exception. Sarah will find whatever they are trying to hide, and he will use it.
(9 PM, White corp.)
Dorian, Spencer and Rachel Halley followed Jeff's secretary into conference room on 20th floor.
They entered and stopped in their tracks when they say Jeff sitting at the large round table, Steve standing next to him, and around the room were more than twenty bodyguards.
Secretary showed them to take seats opposite from Jeff.
Jeff told his secretary that she can leave for the day. She was happy that she does not need to wait for the meeting to end. It was late, and she wanted to go home. She thanked her boss and left.
When the door closed behind the secretary, man in his mid-to-late fifties stood up and introduced himself while trying to hide his anxiety: ”CEO White, it's an honor and a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dorian Halley.”
”I know who you are, and you know who I am. We can skip the pleasantries.”, Jeff responded in a cold voice which matched his expression.
Dorian awkwardly went back in his chair and didn't dare to speak anymore.
Next few minutes, Jeff watched in silence three people in front of him who nervously fidgeted in their chairs while their eyes darted around the conference room. They were uncomfortable and their anxiety was increasing with each passing second.
”Will you tell us why are we here?”, Spencer could not hold back himself. Dorian gave him reprimanding look, but he ignored it.
Jeff gave a small nod before speaking: ”You are here to sell me Golden Ocean Resort.”
”What?!!”, Rachel shrieked and darted up from her chair.
Dorian's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't know why they are invited here, but he knows about reputation of White family, and Jeffrey White. It was not an invitation they could refuse. Did he just say that they will sell him Golden Ocean Resort? Our of several investments they have, that resort is giving them largest income. Why would they sell it?