Chapter 496 - Orion Enterprise annual meeting (9) (1/2)
Not long after, Sarah walked out of the office. Her smirk showed that they were successful in accomplishing their task. ”We found the team. Four members. Team name: Venus. All teams are progressing one point at a time, as expected. But this team started with five points. We also have name of person who made this entry.”
Sophia nodded absentmindedly while thinking of her next steps.
Felix was concerned that all this stress will impact Sophia negatively… and their baby. He started gently massaging her shoulders with hope to get her to relax.
Sophia smiled and tilted her head to show Felix that she appreciates his concern. She also told him not to stop.
”Good news: we are first by 3-point margin!”, Sarah grinned. She imagined already that they will be winners, standing on some pedestal, winning medals and trophies. All this was her imagination, but still, it worked for her. She was happy.
Sophia received text from Edward with names of employees who worked on the app for scavenger hunt.
”Is any of these names on the team?”, Sophia showed phone to Sarah, forcing her to get out of her daydreaming.
”This one looks familiar… let me check” Sarah took Sophia's phone and went back to the office. She came back a bit later. ”Yes. The second one is member of team Venus. But that is not the person who entered 5 points for their team.”
JoAnna looked at Sophia who seemed to be spacing out and decided to pull her out of her daze. ”Now what, big sis? We know the team. They also have the capability of making changes… and at least one more person is implicated by altering the scores. Do you still want to cancel the event?”
”Cancel the event?! But we are winning this!”, Sarah was surprised. She was in the office when Sophia mentioned this first time, so it shocked her. Sarah was not willing to let go. They are winning!
”What's the point in knowing current status if they will alter the score?”, Leah reminded her.
Sarah frowned for a second and then her face lit up. She got an idea. ”What if we don't let that happen?”
Sophia looked at Sarah expecting her to explain.
JoAnna knows that Sarah can do anything on the computer and believes that she can ensure that Venus team does not cheat. With this, she understood what Sarah came up with: the only thing they need to do is win, and other team will be powerless. They are already in first place with three points lead. If they continue at current pace, there is no chance they will not be first. JoAnna stood up and faced Sophia. ”Yes! We can win this and prevent them from cheating… and you get to rub it in their faces when you dance with Felix!”
”How can I dance when I'm not playing? I should cancel the dance part.”, Sophia frowned.
JoAnna and Sarah glanced at each other. ”You will dance.”, they said in unison.
Sophia can tell that her sisters thought of something. She has confidence in them. Sophia smiled and nodded. ”All right… I will leave this to you then.”
”Yes. You go downstairs and mingle with your employees. Leave everything to us.”, JoAnna beamed.
Felix didn't want to leave Sophia. ”I will join you.”
”Hey! We need you, if we want to win.”, JoAnna reminded him.
Sophia saw that Felix is torn. He wants to stay by her side. She smiled and approached him. ”Go and win this for me.”, Sophia caressed his cheek. She removed silk scarf which was resting over her shoulders and tied it over his bandaged left wrist. ”There… something to make you think of me… until we meet again…”
Felix felt like a knight from medieval period, and his damsel is giving him her scarf as a token of her love. He looked at her with a silly grin on his face.