Chapter 222 - Jeff-Jeff (1/2)
~Reno, White family home~
Jeff is in his room, on the phone, frustrated that Aiden exposed to Sarah his interest in JoAnna's contact information.
”You traitor!” He growls at the phone before hanging up. This state of anger is unfamiliar to Jeff. 'Am I ashamed? When was I shy? Why am I angry?' No matter what the reason is, Jeff's anger is directed towards his brother. His brother who should have kept this information between them. His brother who created all this commotion... It's all his fault! If Aiden didn't give description of love that reminded him of JoAnna, none of this would happen. His brother who... is dating JoAnna's sister. Sarah is JoAnna's sister! Sarah who works at White corp.
Suddenly an idea exploded in Jeff's mind, and he hurriedly called his assistant. ”Steve, send me all personal information we have on employee Sarah Hill... Yes, from White corp... Now... I know it's Sunday, but this is urgent... thank you.”
Jeff is pleased with his plan... he will get address from Sarah's file, and that will be JoAnna's info. It's logical.
Jeff started pacing through his room and glancing on his phone every few seconds. 'Why is Steve taking so long?' After some time, he got an email with Sarah's information. He looked up her home phone number on file, and delight overwhelmed him when he confirmed that it's a number with Seattle area code. 'It's her home! Where JoAnna lives!'
Without much thought he dialed the number and listened intently to the phone ringing on the other side... once... twice... trice...
Someone picked up! ”Hill residence.”, deep male voice answered the call in a formal way. It was Mr. Joe, the butler.
Jeff realized that his throat is dry, and he has difficulty making a sound. He grabbed a glass of water on his bedside table and rushed a gulp down his throat, almost choking on it. After few coughs, he put phone back to his ear.
”May I speak to JoAnna, please?”, Jeff was surprised that his voice had a much higher pitch than usual.
After few seconds of silence from the other side of the line comes deep male voice, ”Uhm, Miss JoAnna does not live here. You can reach her at her residence.”
Jeff's brain is processing what he heard, ”Can you give me phone number where I can reach her?”
Delay from the other side made Jeff want to reach out through the phone and force that man to spill out everything he knows about JoAnna. ”I don't have a permission to give any contact information related to Miss JoAnna.” Man's voice was final.
Jeff's heart fell. ”Can't you give me anything?”, he blurted out in desperation.
”Excuse me?” Man on the other side of the line was obviously surprised.
Jeff sighed in defeat and hang up. 'No use... it's no use... this will not work... How can I find her? Should I go to Seattle and look for JoAnna at Franciscan Medical Center? Or wait for at the parking lot? Maybe I can follow her home? How much of a stalker can I be, before becoming a stalker? ...'