Chapter 190 - Back home (3) (1/2)
As days passed, Edward was easing up with the idea that Sarah and Aiden are sharing a room. Or maybe he just managed to suppress his frowns better.
Every day JoAnna would come home to change Sarah's bandages and to make sure it looks OK.
”Is this kind of care necessary?” Sarah asked. ”It's already a week, do I still need these?” Sarah was looking at clean gauze that JoAnna just removed from her back.
”Not really... but it can't hurt. You get extra care because you are my sister.”, JoAnna told Sarah while putting medicinal cream over the incision. ”It's healing really well.”
”How are things with you at work?”, Sarah asked JoAnna.
JoAnna's hands stopped for few seconds, before she responded. ”It's... OK.” JoAnna took the clean gauze and started taping it on Sarah's back.
Sarah turned her head to see JoAnna's face. ”That didn't sound like OK. Tell me.”
JoAnna glanced at Aiden who was sitting on the side.
Sarah noticed and reminded JoAnna, ”Aiden can hear whatever you have to say about Dr. Light. He is in this with us.”
JoAnna nodded and said. ”Greg is pestering me to go for a dinner with him. I'm running out of excuses. In the meantime, he is cutting my privileges every time I dodge him. Now I'm down to duties of a regular nurse. Since your surgery I didn't assist in any other, and before that wretched Valentine's dinner I would assist in at least one surgery every other day.”
”Why don't you go for that dinner? Pick a public place, and get a driver to wait for you, as well as few bodyguards to watch from the side in case he tries something funny.” Sarah suggested.
JoAnna sighed. ”That is the thing. He wants me to have dinner at his house and does not want to accept a dinner at a public place.” She was feeling completely defeated and out of options.
”That is out of the question!”, Sarah exclaimed. She was worried, if JoAnna goes to his house who knows what the scumbag will try to do. Sarah thought of an idea. ”Hey! How about you invite him here for dinner? It's not a public place, but it's safe.”
JoAnna helplessly shook her head. ”I don't think that will work. I would feel that he is dirtying this house with his presence... Did you guys find anything?” She looked at Sarah and then at Aiden.
Sarah glanced at Aiden. ”He is not letting me do any work until I heal... look.” Sarah raised arms in front of her, slightly above her head. ”I can do this much... can we now look at least into this? It's an emergency.” Sarah looked at Aiden expectantly.
Aiden didn't want to let her work. Sarah's priority should be to heal. Image of her falling down, not moving, lying on the bed, going to surgery two times, that blood pressure monitor machine beeping… everything was still fresh in his mind, haunting his dreams. But seeing her look at him like that, and knowing that she wants to help her sister, he gave in. ”OK... Let's look into this guy.” He looked at JoAnna. ”You will have something by the time you come tomorrow to change her bandages again.”
JoAnna felt relieved. ”Thank you. I hope you find something... I don't want to be in a position to choose between my conscience and my career.”
Sarah hugged JoAnna. ”We will figure this out, don't worry. Did you record him saying anything incriminating?”
JoAnna shrugged. ”Except him mentioning dinner, nothing else.”