Chapter 76 - JoAnna visits (1/2)
Jeff finished talking with his assistant about modifications to Sarah's contract, and got back to their table. ”It will take at least an hour to have contract altered and processed by legal team before it's ready for signing. We can either wait or meet in the evening for dinner.”
Since they already finished lunch, they agreed to meet for dinner.
Sarah went to her apartment, and Aiden went with Jeff to talk work related things. They agreed that they will pick her up in the evening and then go to dinner together. By that time contract will be ready for signing.
Just as Sarah got into her apartment, her phone vibrated. It was a message from JoAnna.
[JoAnna]: ”Hey, sis. I got work in Spokane tonight. Can I stay at your place?”
[Sarah]: ”No problem”
[JoAnna]: ”See you in fifteen minutes!”
'Oh, Anna is close by' Sarah thought how JoAnna is silly. She needed to message her before leaving Seattle, and not now when she is already in Fairfield. 'What if I was not home?' Sarah sighed. But quickly she cheered up. 'First guest in my apartment!' Of course, Sarah didn't think of Aiden as a guest.
JoAnna arrived and Sarah showed her the apartment. JoAnna gave her two thumbs up. ”Very nice, baby sister! It's just a bit smaller than mine.” JoAnna teased her.
Sarah showed JoAnna to one of the spare bedrooms, and JoAnna went to freshen up.
Just as JoAnna went to shower, Sarah got a text from Aiden.
[Aiden]: ”We will pick you up around six.”
Sarah looked at his message and smirked. She wanted to see Jeff's face when she introduces him to the 'person' who helped her during the interview.
[Sarah]: ”Come up so that Jeff can see who helped me to get the data.”
[Aiden]: ”OK”
When JoAnna came after a shower, two sisters chatted happily.
JoAnna explained to Sarah that a famous surgeon is performing a surgery in Spokane that evening, and she got a chance to assist him. She mentioned that it was her mentor, Dr Light, who got her this rare opportunity. JoAnna was talking about the surgery, but Sarah didn't follow much. However, she still enjoyed listening to her sister enthusiastically talking about blood vessels and connecting tissues. After she finished her summary about the surgery, JoAnna looked around like she is searching for something. ”Where is my brother-in-law?”
Sarah laughed. ”You are here for an hour, and just now you are noticing that he is not here? … And don't call him that.”
JoAnna took a note that Sarah didn't complain much when she called Aiden brother-in-law, and grinned. ”Hey, I'm not the one missing him. Regardless if it's an hour or a week, I would not notice that he is not here. Don't put me in the same group as you.”
Sarah stopped laughing. ”Just so you know, I do notice that he is not here. The place seems empty without him.” Sarah's eyes lost focus and she was staring into space.
JoAnna looked at Sarah and shook her head helplessly. ”Hey! Get out of your daze. Where is he?”
”He is with his brother now. We have dinner plans they will pick me up around six. Do you want to join?”
”Oh, I can't. Dinner at six means that I will not see him, since I need to leave around six.” JoAnna pouted.
”You can see him when you get back if we are still awake, or in the morning.”
JoAnna didn't respond. She did feel strange thinking that her sister's boyfriend is staying the night. JoAnna decided to change topic. ”Oh, by the way, that doorman Hugo is cute.”
Sarah was confused. ”Doorman who?”
JoAnna rolled her eyes. ”You don't know your doorman? Hugo! Tall, handsome, black hair, great teeth, charming, looks like mixed race for added attraction.” Sarah felt her head was buzzing while JoAnna continued. ”Can you believe that he even guessed that I'm your sister?”