Part 34 (2/2)

”Upon what?” said Nellie, who caetting land afterwards on a honeymoon trip, if we feel so inclined,” replied Jervis promptly

Mrs Burton looked considerably surprised, but she said quickly: ”The trip would do Katherine a lot of good, if you can afford the time and the expense, and we could spare her soh



The weeks slid past at a faster rate when the snow began to melt and the water came over the rapids with a roar, and a rush that threatened to sweep everything before it Jervis went up to Ochre Lake a day or two after Katherine brought himent of paper, and offered to buy any ht happen to possess, and pay for it liberally with tobacco But no one appeared to know anything about the scrap, and no one had any o aith the mystery unsolved Then a week later, when Katherine and Miles went to the encaeload of provisions it was to find that the whole lot had vanished, leaving the dug-outs, in which they had existed so long, deserted There was no chance of tracing theain, and after two days of uninterrupted snowfall it began to rain, and everyone realized that spring was co

There had been no trouble on the score of 'Duke Radford's health in this second winter His entle and affectionate, and easily pleased, and he played with the two little girls as if he had been one of the eyes, noticed that now he clung to Nellie more than he did to her At first this raised an acute jealousy in her heart, for she was very huour her father had always clung ht her to see that this change was really a matter for thankfulness, as he would not ood for Mrs Burton, too; for the more there were to love and depend upon her the easier did she find it to rise to the occasion, and be ready to reat difficulty in arranging for an earlya minister to perform the ceremony Directly the waters were open, Jervis sentback a clergyet hi visitation had not begun, then soyman ing that gentle as his reason the necessity therecoone there were other preparations to be set afoot, and, although five weeks yements for the ceremony had to be set about without delay, because there was soin that out-of-the-way place was such an extraordinary occasion that everyone at Seal Cove and Roaring Water Portage would expect an invitation, so preparations must be made to welcome and entertain the entire population Katherine would have -room, with no one but her own people to look at her; but Mrs Burton protested loudly at this, and even Jervis took sides with her, saying that everyone would surely be disappointed if shut out

”But you don't mean to ask everyone?” exclaimed Katherine

”I expect everyone ant to co of his broad shoulders

”Do you mean to ask Oily Dave, Bobby Poole, and all that lot?” she cried in dishted to see thean, then stopped as if she had no words adequate to the expression of her feelings

”Tried to killto say? I know he did But perhaps if he had not fastened me in, to drown like a rat in a hole, you would not have come to rescue me; and as that fact so much out-balances the other, why, I feel rather in Oily Dave's debt than otherwise”

It was the Sunday after the men had started with thewith Katherine in the woods above the first portage, while the laughing chuckle of the ptaran to sht be expected to cut, then cried out in alarm: ”Oh dear, whatever shall we do if the bishop comes, as you have asked? What will he think of such a mixed medley of folks?”

”I have no doubt that he will think it a fine opportunity for preaching a sermon, and, as he is really a very eloquentto,” Jervis said quietly

”There is one thing Nellie and I can't agree about, and I want you to settle it for ravity which surprised hi only a moment before

”What is it?” he asked

”Nellie wants to take French leave and borrow Mr Selincourt's new house for the wedding; but I should hate it!” she exclaimed vehemently

”There is no need-besides, Mr Selincourt will probably be here Why not use the store? Your stocks of goods are nearly at their lowest, and the people that could not get inside could stay outside,” he said

Katherine drew a long breath of relief; then she said softly: ”Thank you; I thought you would not disappoint me You never have; I do not think you ever will But Nellie said-”

”Yes, what did she say?” he asked, his voice very gentle now, as if he understood so of the trouble and diffidence which lay behind

”Nellie said that you would not care to be married in a country store, with cheese and bacon and all that sort of thing about She and Ted Burton were married so, but that was different,” Katherine answered jerkily