Arifureta Vol 7 Chapter 4 (1/2)
Chapter 4 : Inside the Returning Vehicle
The magic-driven four-wheeler dashed onto the highway while raising a storm of dust, with the Northern Mountain Ranges at its back. Because it was a road treaded by many people over the span of many years, it was in far better condition compared to the road from UI town to the Northern Mountain Ranges area. Thanks to the suspensions he installed, the vibrations were dulled and the four-wheeler advanced smoothly towards Fhuren.
s.h.i.+a was seated in the front seat and her rabbit ears were flapping in the wind thanks to the fully opened windows. She looked somewhat displeased since she liked the two-wheeler more than the four-wheeler. After all, she liked the feeling of her rabbit ears cutting through the wind and embracing Hajime while resting her face on his shoulder.
Naturally, Hajime was the driver. The seat beside him was, of course, Yue’s. Will was seated in the back seat.
Will anxiously asked Hajime, while slightly leaning his body forward, “Excuse me~, was it really okay to leave them like that? If you only spoke a little more about it… especially towards Aiko-dono…”
Without turning his head, Hajime answered indifferently, “Nn~? Not really, everything is okay. After all, there would be only more trouble if I stay there… Sensei can also make good decisions even if I am not there.”
“… It’s probably as you said, but…”
“You… setting aside whether or not you’re a good person… aren’t you too concerned about others?”
Even though he heard Hajime’s words, Will still wore an anxious expression, which made Hajime smile wryly. To truly be in pain and crying for the dead adventurers, not to mention remaining in an unrelated town about to be attacked by a large crowd of demonic beasts which was normally thought of as suicidal. To forgive Tio, who was the object his grudge, and now he was worried about the relations.h.i.+p between the one who half-threatened him; Hajime and Aiko and the others. He was a n.o.ble from the Kingdom, and he was extremely eccentric, as he was aiming to become an adventurer. However, even more than that, he was a good-natured person who cares about everything.
“… A good person.”
“A good person~.”
“Umu, a good fellow.”
Will showed a complex expression towards those words said simultaneously. Although he was praised, it was an indescribably subtle evaluation for women to think of a man as “a good person.”
“P-Please stop talking about me… I only wanted to ask you for a full explanation of your reasoning…”
“… Reasoning?”
With no more than a subtle expression while he scratched his cheeks, Will continued to talk. However, Hajime’s eyebrows twitched in reaction to Will’s words.
“That’s right. About Aiko-dono, who was probably left with ill-feelings and about why the boy called s.h.i.+mizu was killed… The reason for your actions.”
“…Didn’t I explain it already? He was an enemy…”
“That’s the reason you “killed” him and not the reason why you “can’t save” him, right? After all, he had already received a mortal wound at that time, and he would be dead in a few minutes if you just left him… There should be a reason as to why you purposely killed him, right?”
“… You unexpectedly observed the situation rather well.”
What Will pointed out hit the bullseye. He was a cla.s.smate, so the impact when Hajime killed him while Aiko pleaded for help was too strong. Thus, the fact that it wasn’t necessary for Hajime to kill him was well hidden. Will, who noticed that fact, could be said to carry the “eyes” of a n.o.ble. Hajime’s tone carried admiration towards Will who wasn’t deceived.
Even s.h.i.+a, who had her face out the window to enjoy the wind said, “Now that you mentioned it, I also noticed that,” and she turned to look at Hajime, who was driving, with a knowing look. Hajime hesitated a little on how to answer the question, but Yue answered them before he could say anything.
“… Hajime is a tsundere.”
Maybe because Yue hit the nail on the head, Hajime kept a poker face and continued his silence. The other members could only parrot her.
“… Repaying Aiko? In other words, you were just worried about her?”
“… That’s just a coincidence.”
From how Hajime curtly answered and looked the other way, it seemed like Yue’s guess was right on the mark, so s.h.i.+a and the others asked for an explanation.
Because Hajime didn’t want to answer them, Yue answered in his stead. In short, he tried to avert Aiko’s mind from feeling responsible for s.h.i.+mizu’s death.
s.h.i.+mizu had said it before. The purpose of meeting the demonic race was to kill “G.o.ddess of Good Harvest,” Aiko. In other words, s.h.i.+mizu was used to kill Aiko. Even the last attack went through s.h.i.+mizu’s body to kill Aiko.
Of course, Aiko wasn’t responsible for s.h.i.+mizu’s death. s.h.i.+mizu sold his soul to the demon race on his own will, which resulted in his death. Because it was the result of his own decision, s.h.i.+mizu himself was responsible for it. Even if he wasn’t responsible for it, it was the responsibility of the one from demon race who mortally wounded s.h.i.+mizu.
However, would Aiko agree to it? After all, the last attack was aimed at Aiko. That was the reason why she felt strongly responsible. Aiko always thought of her students first. s.h.i.+mizu died because she involved him. In effect, wasn’t it her fault s.h.i.+mizu was dead?, she might think in such a way. Thus he thought, can Aiko’s mind endure it?; Hajime felt a slight fear.
Even Aiko should feel unease and fear as human who was summoned to a different world. Although she didn’t lament as she cowered and trembled in fear, the reason she could work so hard was because she had her pride as a “teacher.” In addition, there were “students” who occupied Aiko’s mind as a “teacher.”
And a student had died because of her. The impact was greater than when she had heard Hajime had died, or the time when Hajime said the cause was the backstabbing of a cla.s.smate. It would be a much stronger blade to damage Aiko’s heart. It might even break her.
Hajime calculations would be affected if Aiko was broken, but he was definitely worried about her. Hajime had felt that Aiko’s words were an impossible ideal, because they gave birth to a lot of contradictions.
Even so, the words said by Aiko made him think it was definitely be necessary for Yue and s.h.i.+a’s future happiness. That’s why even if the world had changed, and even if Hajime had changed, the “preaching” of Hajime’s “teacher” made him feel indebted to her.
Therefore Hajime killed s.h.i.+mizu even though he would die soon enough even if he was left alone. Making a strong impression, emphasizing that s.h.i.+mizu was an “enemy”. This was followed by making an impression of Hajime being the one who killed s.h.i.+mizu. Aiko’s heart shouldn’t break down. He thought it was his duty so his “teacher” wouldn’t change.
“So that’s what happened… Fufu, what a tsundere Hajime-san is.”
“So that’s what happened…”
“Indeed~, Master is unexpectedly cute.”
Yue finished her explanation to the other members, and their eyes carried warmth as they looked at Hajime, but Hajime kept looking the other way.
“… But, I think Aiko noticed it.”
Hajime silently turned his gaze to Yue. Yue returned Hajime’s glance with gentle eyes.
“… Aiko is Hajime’s teacher. A person whose words remained in Hajime’s heart. That’s why there’s no way she didn’t notice…”
“… Yue.”
“… It’s okay, Aiko is strong. The situation will definitely end how Hajime desired it.”
Apparently Yue trusted Aiko because Aiko could at least have Hajime focus on himself. Something she couldn’t do. Towards Yue who watched him with an upward gaze, Hajime responded by gently narrowing his eyes. Because of Yue’s words, his worries about Aiko and future developments which clouded his mind cleared.
“Haa~, to create the world where only the two of you existed… no matter how much time, I will also create such atmosphere…”
“Th-This, what can I say… I somehow feel something sweet in my mouth…”
“Muu~ this one wants thee to abuse this one, but… even this kind of situation isn’t bad…”
Will and the others felt uncomfortable because of Hajime and Yue’s sweet atmosphere. s.h.i.+a in particular was puffing her cheeks and pouting in distaste.
Yue noticed s.h.i.+a and s.h.i.+fted her gaze towards her, and once again matched Hajime’s gaze to silently appeal to him. The content was none other than “s.h.i.+a’s reward.” Without s.h.i.+a’s peculiar magic; “Foresight” and her desperate action, Aiko would have become someone who couldn’t return because of a hole in her head. s.h.i.+a had saved Hajime’s teacher.
Because he understood, Hajime let out an “Uh,” moved his gaze away from Yue, looked at s.h.i.+a and said, “… s.h.i.+a. That’s, well, you saved us. Though it’s belated,… thank you.”
“… Who?”
The result of him saying his grat.i.tude while enduring his embarra.s.sment were those words along with astonished expression. Though veins popped on Hajime’s forehead, he endured it because it was the consequence of his deeds.
“… Well, I think it couldn’t be helped for you to take such att.i.tude… Even so, I am seriously expressing my grat.i.tude, you know?”
Hajime matched his gaze with s.h.i.+a, who was looking at him firmly expressing his grat.i.tude with a “Thank you.” Because of Hajime straightforward words, s.h.i.+a’s body trembled as though an electric shock ran through her whole body, and she became restless. Her gaze excitedly wandered around while her cheeks were dyed in deep red. Her rabbit ears were swaying here and there.
“Th-that’s, well, i-it’s not like I’ve done something amazing, and it’s okay if you don’t say thank— A-agh! What’s with this suddenness. Somehow, it feels really embarra.s.sing… ehehe.”
Hajime smiled wryly while looking at s.h.i.+a’s embarra.s.sed state, and he asked of the doubts he had.
“s.h.i.+a. Though I was just a little curious about it,… why did you unhesitatingly jump out at that time? You had never talked about anything important with sensei, right? I also can’t remember a timewhen you got along with her…”
“That is… because she is someone Hajime-san worried about.”
“… That’s all, huh.”
“?… Yes, I think that’s all?”
“… I see.”
Because of s.h.i.+a’s astonished expression, Hajime expression ascertained that he couldn’t say anything more. Certainly, Aiko was Hajime’s teacher. His cla.s.smates would be impacted if she was gone.
He was honestly glad she didn’t die. However, he remembered he didn’t show it through his speech and behavior. Nevertheless, Yue and s.h.i.+a seemed to be able to read what was in Hajime’s heart; they were people who always knew his heartfelt emotions. Though he only thought of it now, they had crossed the boundaries of being companions. Such understanding had crossed his mind.
Thus, even if Yue didn’t say anything, he thought to repay s.h.i.+a with something. And so, Hajime who was still embarra.s.sed spoke to her.
“s.h.i.+a. Is there something you want?”
“Heh? Something… I want?”
“Ah. You can say it’s a thanks or a reward… Well, something like that. Of course it’s only something within my ability, okay?”
s.h.i.+a was a little perplexed because of the sudden words. Since she thought what she had done was a natural thing to do for companions, she thought it was a little exaggerated. “U-U~n,” she groaned and when she casually saw Yue at his side.
Yue was watching s.h.i.+a with a gentle expression, and then she nodded. Her gaze told her was it was okay for s.h.i.+a to honestly receive Hajime’s grat.i.tude, Yue was urging her. s.h.i.+a, who accurately read the situation, let out a forced laugh. After thinking about a little, and she turned her gaze from Yue who revealed a smile while nodding towards Hajime.
“Then, please take my first—”