Arifureta Vol 5 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 3 : Great Dungeon of Raisen?
A heap of corpses.
Those words fit the current spectacle inside the Raisen Grand Canyon’s ravine. Some demonic beasts had their heads smashed, along with the ground. While some demonic beasts had theirs pulverized, furthermore some demonic beasts had their body carbonized, although there were various killing methods, all of them died in one attack.
Naturally, inside this h.e.l.l, the place that was feared as an execution ground by people, there were…
“One hit certain kill~!”
“… … Hindrance”
“Shut up”
It was the trio of Hajime, Yue, and s.h.i.+a. After Hajime and his party got out from the town of Brook (with Yue and s.h.i.+a’s fans seeing them off), using the magic-driven two-wheeler, they pa.s.sed through the entrance of “Raisen Grand Canyon”. Currently, after advancing further and camping along the way, they had already pa.s.sed through the cave concealing the path to “Orcus Great Dungeon”, furthermore two days had pa.s.sed since then.
Inside “Raisen Grand Canyon”, the demonic beasts kept attacking them just as usual.
s.h.i.+a’s Sledgehammer, swung with immense force smashed demonic beasts, it was literally a one hit certain kill. The demonic beasts were crushed to death with a normal attack that far exceed their defense. Even the mochi pounding moon rabbit’s destructive power paled in comparison to this.
Yue closed in on the demonic beasts, then slaughtered them with magic that she instantly invoked with magical power from her equipment. Although Yue herself has enormous magical power, equipped with magical power stored inside the accessories called magic crystallization stone series, it became even more enormous. Her attack could be compared to endless bombing. Even if magical power was disintegrated in the ravine, thus the time to invoke magic became longer and the distance became shorter, she invoked ultra high temperature flames in no time and demonic beasts were killed while being carbonized without exception.
Hajime, needless to say, was sniping the heads with Donner while driving the magic-driven two-wheeler. Although it was consuming his magic to use “Lightning-clad” and driving the magic-driven two-wheeler at the same time, there is no sign of magic depletion.
The h.e.l.l beasts that dominate the ravine were completely treated as small fish. The annihilation was treated as a side job while they searched for a sign of the Great Dungeon. The demonic beasts’ corpses overflowed on their way.
“Haa~, even though it should be somewhere inside the Raisen, it was too vast after all”
They moved while examining if there were caves. Even though they made thorough observations, not even one was found. Hajime could only inadvertently complain.
“Well, because no matter what happens we’ll reach the Big Volcanic Mountain, it’s okay to not find it at all. There might be some clues in the Big Volcanic Mountain after all”
“Well, even if that’s so…”
“Nn… … but, those demonic beasts made it gloomy”
“A~, Yue-san also dislikes this place~”
While complaining and being disgusted by the demonic beasts that keep coming, they had kept traveling for three days. There are no results today and the dark had already set in. The beautiful s.h.i.+ne of the crescent moon could be seen if you looked up, therefore Hajime and his party started to prepare their camp. After taking out the tent, they prepared dinner with ingredients and seasoning bought in the town. The tent and cooking utensils were artifacts Hajime made.
The tent was created using Creation magic, with “heating stone” and “cooling stone” installed, it’s always kept at a comfortable temperature. It’s also equipped with “refrigerator” and “freezer” made with cooling stone. Furthermore, the metal frame was imbued with “sign interception” from the “mind-severing stone” so that it wouldn’t be found easily by enemies.
For cooking utensils, there was a frying pan and kettle with an adjustable flame that was proportionate with the amount of magic used, and a kitchen knife endowed with “wind claw” in its sharp edge that could be activated by pouring in magic. There was also a steam cleaner-like thing. They were Hajime’s beloved children that help provide the meals on their travel. Moreover, because it could only be used using direct magic manipulation, it could be said that there was a crime prevention system.
“Age of G.o.ds magic is truly a convenient one”
Those were the words that Hajime said when he made the cooking utensil artifacts and the tent installed with a heating and cooling system. It’s just like a useless technology, that wasn’t that useless, that he uselessly refined.
By the way, today’s dinner was kururu chicken simmered in tomato. Kururu chicken was a chicken that was capable of flying in the sky. Its meat’s quality and taste was just like chicken, a popular type of chicken meat of this world. It was a dish where the meat was cut into bite size pieces and floured. after that it was sautéd, then boiled along with various vegetables in a tomato soup. It has the right flavor of b.u.t.ter and meat juice inside the meat, you could feel the tomato’s sourness permeate in your nose when you smell it, when you put it into your mouth, the flavors will spread through. The meat will ‘horohoro’, crumble inside your mouth, ‘hokuhoku’ the potato(fake) that’s completely soaked inside the tomato soup, while carrot(fake)’s and onion(fake)’s sweetness transmitted to your tongue. To have bread melt and soften after dipping it inside the delicious soup truly made it more delicious.
Dinner was finished with full satisfaction. and while immersed in the lingering taste, Hajime and his party chatted just like they always do. Inside the tent, they could leisurely chat because the mind-severing stone was activate, which made it so that demonic beasts do not approach them. Although sometimes there were demonic beasts that came near, Hajime only needed to stick his hand out the window that installed, and shoot it. Moreover, when time for sleep, the three rotated the lookout duty until morning came.
Today, it was about time for Yue and s.h.i.+a to start preparing to sleep. The first on look out was Hajime. Because there were fluffy futons inside the tent, they could sleep comfortably despite it being a camp. Also, s.h.i.+a went outside the tent before getting into the futon.
To Hajime who was dubious of what happened, s.h.i.+a said with a calm face.
“For a while, I wanted to pick flowers”
“There are no flowers inside the ravine, you know?”
Hajime’s words that lacked delicacy destroyed s.h.i.+a’s calm face, she angrily stared at him. Hajime who obviously knew what those words meant said, “My bad my bad”, with a wryly smiling face that didn’t show any remorse. s.h.i.+a hurriedly went to the tent’s side in anger, after a while…
“Ha-Hajime-sa~n! Yue-sa~n! It’s an emergency! Please come he~re!”
Was what s.h.i.+a shouted out, forgetting the possibility of demonic beasts hearing it. Wondering what happened, Hajime and Yue, who came from the tent, looked at each other then dashed out at the same time.
When they arrived at the origin of s.h.i.+a’s voice, they saw that there was a huge monolith that leaned on the ravine’s wall after it fell, and a s.p.a.ce was revealed between the monolith and the wall. s.h.i.+a was inside that s.p.a.ce seeing something unbelievable! Being colored in excitement all the while.
“Here, over here! I found it!”
“I understand, for the time being get out of there. It looks like you used full body strengthening. Aren’t you too excited?”
“… … annoying”
The frolicking s.h.i.+a was pulled out by Hajime and Yue’s hands, when Hajime pulled her he got a feel, while Yue gloomily frowned because of that. Guided by s.h.i.+a into the crevice between the rocks, when they entered the wall’s side had a hollow interior, and it was wider than expected. Having entered that s.p.a.ce, s.h.i.+a silently, with a proud expression ‘bis.h.i.+’, pointed her finger at the wall.
Hajime and Yue looked at the place pointed by that finger, then they inadvertently let out “Ha?”, while blinking their eyes in surprise.
In front of the two, in that place, there was a splendid rectangular signboard that was made with cuts in the wall, and strangely woman-like characters were carved there.
“Please come in! Into Miledi Raisen’s thrilling Great Dungeon?”
The mark “!” and “?” felt strangely irritating.
“… … the heck is this”
“… … what is this”
Hajime and Yue’s voice came out in succession. “I am seeing something unbelievable right now!”, were the exact presentations of their expressions. The two of them, blankly looked at the signboard inside the h.e.l.lish ravine.
“To ask what, it is the entrance! Great Dungeon’s! It was found by chance when I went to-… …cough, to pick flowers. Well~, it was real, there is a Great Dungeon inside Raisen Grand Canyon”
While s.h.i.+a’s slaphappy voice resounded, maybe because Hajime and Yue was finally able to get out of their surprise, they wore indescribable expressions, then looked at each other in perplexion.
“… … Yue. Do you think it’s real?”
“… … … … … … … … … … Nn”
“That’s a long pause there. Your basis?”