Arifureta Vol 1 Chapter 10 (1/2)

Chapter 10 :

In the darkness, the light stones illu area

The light projected a few shadows One of the shadows, provided a silhouette of so could be heard

“Augh, Guu, This seriously sucks”

Hajih, and blood dripped off as he took a bite and sed This had been his first meal for the past weeks The stomach was surprised to suddenly receive the h his body at the stoet such a response and ignore it to keep eating

His appearance looked so feral If any of the civilized huusting smell and taste would cause them to lose their appetite Hajiht because he was happy to have a meal He continued to eat in a daze

After eating sothe sacred water that the Church of Saints would be envious of An unusual phenomenon struck his body


An intense pain suddenly wracked his body Erosion, that was the best word to describe what horrible sensation he felt going through his body The pain intensified as time passed

“Guaa! W-What…Guu!”

Excruciating pain corroded his body Haji that it bleay his phantom limb pain

With his tre hands, Hajime reached into his breast pocket and took out a test-tube e of the tube and drank the contents inside The sacred water quickly went to work and the pain subsided, but a short tiony continued

“Higugaa! What the…it didn’t help? Augh!”

His body started to pulsate with the pain Thump, Thu from his body

However the nextproperties started to restore his body When it was done healing hiain

Even the sacred water could not stunt the effects The tre here

Hajied his head repeatedly against the wall at the unending sight of his hell Even if he wanted to die, there would be noone to grant his desire, so he had no choice but to endure it

Changes started to form on Hajime’s body First, his hair lost all color Maybe because of a pain that broke his threshold, or another cause, his black japanese hair turned white Next, his muscles and skeleton started to thicken Crie all over his body

There is a phenooes through when training muscles The muscles are broken down from the severe use and in order to coer and more muscle when the body recovers The sa through this phenomenon

Deic Stones in their body, and this allowed for their wonderful physical ability with their ly per his muscles and bones

This ic circles or incantation to cast, and hisaltered This kind of alteration would be fatal to a human From the inside of the body the poison would erode the body and destroy the cells In the past, anyone who had consumed demon flesh was broken to pieces and died Hajime knew of this, but his starvation had caused hie

If Hajime had just ate the demon flesh than he would have collapsed and died However, there was an elixir that prevented that Sacred water, it will restore immediately what once was broken Because of this constant breaking and restoring, overcothened at an unbelievable speed

Destroy, Repair, Destroy, then Repair The body changed while pulsing It looked like he was being reborn A ceremony of birth to throay the body’s weakness,a metamorphosis Hajime’s screams was like the first cry of a newborn

When the pulsation stopped, Hajime went limp Pure white was his hair color now, and crimson lines forued this level

Hajihtly His unfocused eyes settled onto his right hand Grasping his hand into a fist, he scratched along the ground Hajime slowly clasped and unclasp his hand to prove he was still alive When he finished checking if he had control of his body, he stood up slowly

“…Oh, yeah You weren’t suppose to eat demon meat…I’m an idiot…but he couldn’t help but eat it”

Coer and his phantom limb pain disappeared after this incident On the contrary, his body felt strangely light and overfloith power Even though he just went through that, it was in its best condition The most clearly developed hts also increased by 10 cht to 175 cm

“What happened to …”

Not only had his external body changed, but he felt so felt cold and hot at the same time When more of his awareness came, he focused on the crimson lines on his arm

“Wo unpleasant Makes me feel like a demon…What a joke Oh yeah, the Status Plate!”

Exploring through his pockets, he searched for the forgotten status plate Good thing he did not lose it There on the plate was displayed Haji rong with his body


Nagumo Hajime


17 Years Old










