Arifureta Chapter 151 (2/2)

As she had already assessed the scene, Kaori asked shi+a who’s rabbit ears were dancing in the storic shi+a protected her face with her arm and a lower posture but was able to confirm Hajime and Yue’s appearances When she could see they were both safe, she gave out a breath of relief

If you trace their glance, it seemed a certainty that neither Hajime nor Yue was at risk However, both of the was not even noticed A large amount of sweat flowed fro on ic

“…If it is safe, it seems better to leave…”

“Well, if I fail as a mistress, I should be punished”

“…You should seem so happy about it, Tio…”

shi+a retreated towards the door softly as to not disturb Hajime

Meanwhile, only Kouki was staring at Hajime You couldn’t see the color of emotion in those eyes, but they seeerous

“Kouki,” shi+zuku called out

Kouki did not answer Rather, he took a step forward straight ahead, just one step forward



shi+zuku irabs Kouki’s arical storaze, as if frightened, revealed shaking Kouki made a step backward One step backward

At that moment…

“What’s this?”

“An ie?”

“A dark…cave?”

Suddenly, i projecting a picture instead of a screen, e situation, shi+a and the others forgot to even leave the room

At that time, Suzu muttered to herself

“Somehow, it looks like Orcus”

“Certainly, speaking of a large cave illuht, it would be the Orcus Great Labyrinth”

Tio affirreen walls, it would be the Orcus Great Labyrinth that was created by digging into veins of Illumination Stone

However, since the scenery was different from the structure of the upper labyrinth that Suzu knew, she could not say it for certainThis looked like a natural cave that had not been crafted by a huht and width of the cave was different from the labyrinth Suzu knew

The sudden situation andthe ile of the shadow next to a rock at a large crossroads, shohite hair, long hind legs, and deep red lines crawling across its body like blood vessels, and the true colors of the iht by the demon of the rabbit type were transmitted to them

“This is anxiety?There is also impatience”

“I also feel fearThis ie is a memory”

“It is probably Goshujin-sama’sThe memory of the place of hell this one heard him speak about”

shi+a’s guess was correct

Along with the iic that filled the roo due to the clearly abnormal monster he had never seen beforeThey couldn’t understand what had led such a situation to occur, but they at least understood that the is they felt were Hajime’s

Apart from the time after he had met Yue, Hajime did not speak much of the time in hell before thatIt was already over, and Haji about his misfortuneIt was simply troublesome to talk about it, too

So, being given the chance where shi+a and the others could learn fro a glance with one another, they stared hard at the i the roos of the person they loved, it was impossible for thean to concentrate on the ie with interest too

So, at that tie, the deed at hi power



Instinctively, shi+a and Kaori cried out a warning with a raised voiceMeanwhile, the is of fear and uneasiness transic swelled up

They ground their teeth seeing Hajime made sport of by the kick rabbitAnd then, when Hajiuish transaze

“Hajime-san was…such a one-sided…”

“This is the Naguth was equivalent to having none at all…”

To Haji one-sidedly toyed with, shi+a’s expression became teary eyed as she couldn’t believe itshi+zuku spills her words to such a shi+a while biting her lip

Before long the ie becomes momentarily interrupted because Haji death fros of terror are spread to thehtened kick rabbit’s ie was seen

The view of the iht, and there stood a huge white bearA glance was all it took to understand the bear was not a normal demonTo prove that, the kick rabbit that toyed with Hajie was easily cut in two and preyed on, while scattering blood around Hajime

The glint in the claw bear’s eyes crosses over through the ih shi+a and the restIn the case of the deal, however, because of the feeling it had in its eyes that it was looking only at food rather than an enemy and the fundamental fear that was driven into Hajime caused them to shake unconsciously

What happened after that was too tragic for the girls who loved Hajime

Being cornered, the left arm was taken, and it was eaten in front of himThe eyes that see hi blood, such a reality was unnecessarily given to him whether he wanted it or not

The screaicEyes that a hu part of the body scattered and eaten, breaking down froonyAnd without either shaet even one millimeter further away from the incarnation of terror

The reflected is reached a saturation point or were already unable to be definedJust…Hajiht of life faded away


shi+a is pouring out tearsNearby, Kaori and shi+zuku… Suzu covers her aze is severeBefore their eyes the murderous intent to want to tear the claw bear limb from limb welled up

While they watched, the blackout endedHaji his own survival, advanced to the interior of the wall and found a strange crystal that dripped waterThe God crystal and holy water

Haji his brokenfor help…

There where the e became interruptedHowever, to substitute for that, the feelings being transmitted increased in density

Overwhel loneliness is felt as no one responded no matter how much he asked for helpThe darkness in which even his own existence seeree where it see phantom limb pain

Day after day he bore the torture-like painWhile lying down as if to die, eventually wishi+ng that he could die, however, the taken holy water did not allow that, and so his feelings of hatred with nowhere left to go were directed at his classmates as he came to curse the unjustness of the world

And yet, in addition to that, he gradually began to iing to live, and, the murderous intent for existences that are a hindrance

Hajian to moveHe started to collect holy water in a depression on the groundHe will begin with eating the wolfHis hunger and phantoy had recovered, while his features reflected in the pool of water were already another person

With the glitter ofin his eyes… Hajime slipped out of his caveHis only weapon that could not be called a weapon (transmutation) is freely used to hunt the demons

“…This is that appearance…”

“I heard about it, but he’s strong”

Eating the de bloodstained, the appearance of Hajime with his face made dirty with blood is exactly suitable for a monster

And, a screaainThe a his head on the groundit is only possible to see the repeated breaking down and regenerating sometimes as it enters his field of vision

Unable to bear watching the ghastly spectacle with the transony, Kouki and Ryuutaro both averted their gazesSuzu, looked like she could vo to endure it

Before long the transfor at his appearance in the pool of holy water, the reflection shows the Hajime of todayStill more than the Hajime of today, the deep tenacity andbody and a neer

And, using the power of a transmutation that could not become a weapon because it is only a common job, he unpowder to produce a weapon after e the claw bear and by crushi+ng it prove his ability to fight

At the end of a fierce battle where the claw bear is overcome and its flesh is eaten, Hajime becomes self-consciousIn the inner has come out

That is…

–I want to return

Responding to the desire, the ic in the room pulsedBefore they were aware of it, Hajiic power… With Hajiic power shot up

However, it was not ic power indiscriminately scatteredIt was focused so that it was inhaled in a spiral torrent with the two people at its center

–I want to return

Once h the ic powerDeeply touched by such a wish, shi+a, and the others tightly clasped their hands at their chests

The brilliantly shi+ning criic calalaxy began to spin around them

–I want to return to my hometown

It is quiet; however, everyone cannot help but shake understanding the strength of will being transmitted by that desireIt should exactly be called the will of the utmost limits

Haji up at the sky once, he quietly closed his eyesIn hi certain of his resolutionAnd, when he suddenly opened his eyes he unhesitatingly faced the interior of the abyss while proceeding down the passage to the depth of the labyrinth

The e was projected on was then absorbed by the whirlpool surrounding Hajime and Yue

shi+a’s and the others’ reaction was generally the sameThey were duh to become the Hajime of today

shi+a, Kaori, Tio, and shi+zuku shed tears from the emotions that even they did not understand how seriously far Hajione, but at the sa proud that he could stand back up again after crawling up

Suzu and Ryuutaro couldn’t speak as if they were si looks on their faces as they thought “I can’t match this”

They thought they’d survived soh battles, but they’d always had the support of Meld and the other experienced knights in the order, and above all, had been surrounded by coine whether they could truly, all by theh all that hardshi+p and crawl out of the abyss, they shook their heads Even the scene they were seeing noas just the beginning They didn’t think that they would be able to handle it at all

And Kouki… gazed into empty space vacantly, as if his power had left him In his heart, it crossed his mind how he’d just said: “If I’d been the one to fall into the abyss…”

Up until now, Kouki had actually thought that Hajih shi+zuku had said Hajime must’ve had a horrible experience, the idea was coht that Hajiuy who did whatever he pleased and easily obtained power just by falling into the abyss

But now that he’d ended up knowing Haji it, it was so incredible it bleay those thoughts

(‘I want to return’… huh)

He whispered it in his mind A doubt welled up: do I actually desire to return home as hts when he’d declared that he would save this world as the hero everyone needs, with Haji it seemed very cheap

(N-No… I’s… I understand them, but… But, even so… And, now, shi+zuku’s also… He’s taken everything from me…)

He desperately shook off the self-criticizing eh his mind

As Kouki engaged in a e occurred with Hajime and Yue To be precise, with the crystal structure and mineral in between them

It rapped in bright red ed, or rather, it united as if to prove it was taking in ical power

“Is that a key…?”

“Well, it looks like an antique key made out of crystal”

shi+zuku added to Kaori’s ular dodecahedral crystal body on the side of the hand It was a key with a terribly sophisticated and co part of the trip

It was created with the fusion of the God crystal and otheras an antique key that captures the beautiful artworks that incorporated a lot of ns with a red crystal

And just after the shape was perfectly formed, Hajime and Yue who did not make movements until now opened their eyes with their hands connected It see was reflected in their thin eyes, which see only visible to the two of them

In a strange way, the atmosphere felt ulp of saliva The next moment, the two lips tre mouth…

“Open the door to the place you wanted”

A ht like a fixed star blew up around the two The flow of the galaxy that once calht as if it had caused a supernova explosion, and painted everyone’s consciousness hite as well