Arifureta Chapter 132 (2/2)
She see This was the fornified like she h so may come from the tree stem itself, which split around her like hair, and contained a certain kind of beauty
“However, it is also necessary If you caeons of the other liberators, then you know about our relationshi+p with the Gods, the past tragedy, and what’s happening right now Therefore, I wanted you the learn so bond that can’t be swayed, a heart that can’t be shaken I think you who arrived here surely understand soth of the heart as well as its weaknesses I’ sincerely that that is of assistance to you in the future”
shi+a listened to Luluo Haltina’s talk with a meek face But Hajime was already impatient He didn’t need pretentious excuses For once, however, he quietly read the air
“I do not know for what purpose you sought ic, you are free to use it as you see fit However, stick to your bonds, and do not drown in power”
Haji around restlessly How is it? Even if he watched it, it wouldn’t change anything He was already considering reraph to shut her off and move on already
“My God levelevolve That is the knowledge that is given But, true value of this ic is found elsewhere”
Haji over Donner was returned to his side, and his eyes rested on Luluo The real value of sublie Telllook
“Subli be subliics are no exception for that… Gravity hty forces are the foundation of the ement All of which lead to further evolution… even when coic concepts”
So the desire for such a ic
Hajime also had his eyes opened wide in surprise At one tiested that if he obtained all the God’s level rant his desires He needed to obtain God generation ic It probably meant this
“Concept ical ic acts in this world Even if you obtain the God-level ic is invented by utmost will, not theory”
So that was the reason it couldn’t be copied by ical circle
After hearing the explanation, Hajihtly
“We seven liberators worked over the course of decades and only h for us… but which one will you need?”
Just as Luluo said so, the lithographic center slides and so like a pocket watch comes out from the inside Hajith was fixed on a plate in the center of the semitransparent lid On the backside was a pattern painted in the form Luluo Haltina used Apparently, it also serves as a proof of capture Luluo resumed her explanation
“For the name, it’s called the “compass of desire” The concept that, when activated, shows the place I desired” (Translation Note: Pirate’s of the Caribbean anyone? Drink up, my me hearties you ho!)
Hajime heard the explanation and his heart skipped a beat
“The place I desired is shown” That means…
“It will lead you to the location to want to go Anything, anywhere, be it hidden or – even in another world”
The “different world” Luluo is talking about will be the world by which the Mad Gods reside The liberators ic out of utmost will To beat the Gods, of course
Therefore, this compass was produced to find the place where God was Haji the concept ic
But – it should also be possible to use this compass to show them how to return to japan
A ht welled in Hajiave hiently
“To get all the God’s oal, you’ll be able to travel anywhere I wish you to move forith free will and find happiness in your life Good luck for your future”
Luluo had co her speech, all that was left was the tree with the entangled lithograph
They re on the events that just happened to their satisfaction Only the sound of the rustling of leaves as the wind blew gently affected their vicinity
It was Haji Yue with a monotonous tone of controlled eic of subliic Can we cross to another world?”
Startled roup behind him
Yue understood the weight of those words and the exploration of that potential And with the strongest e of the God’s inscribed in her mind, she searched for a solution
As result, she obtained the answer…
“… I’m sorry”
Just that If the world can be exceeded siic with sublimation, then certainly the liberators wouldn’t have had so much trouble, too
Luluo has said that there were three concept iven to the “compass of desire”It would stand to reason that the other concepts would be the concept to go to another world and the concept to overthrow the Gods
In other words, when not attaining to conceptthe world is difficult
Yue was hanging her head dejectedly at being unable to ave her a kind sold hair Yue see her shoulders as he ran his fingers over her skin
“It’s no probleht We just need ht one, and you’ll definitely be able to figure it out, so don’t have such a face”
The heart that was iht be able to return had already recovered its poise, and Hajis his shoulders with the expressions he had to spare In answer to whether Yue was relieved at his recovery, like usual she snuggled close to him
“Cough, Cough Well… is Yue and Hajime back to normal? I think a shortcut formed for us to return to entrance So less lovey dovey for now!”
shi+a, while looking at Yue and Haji “Yes, as always”, certainly in one corner of the garden the ested that would be the shortcut to descend back to the ground level
After checking the ic circle, Hajime strokes shi+a’s bunny ears to correct some of her sulkiness Then Kouki starts to speak up
“Oh… hey, Naguic…”
“Yeah… we should be able to return now At least, this compass will tell me where to head next”
Kouki wore an expression as if hope was lost Ryuutaro, shi+zuku, and Suzu also wore feelings that looked ready to explode, like theyover the lack of getting the God-level ic, but only because Hajime was there for the moment It seemed like they would have to depend on Hajime
“The, a, as for that, Nagu…”
Suzu tries to ask Haji
Even if she didn’t say it, it was possible to guess They remembered Hajiht only be able to return if Hajioes out when perfect salvation depends on the benevolence of another being straight through
Suzu, as the typical ood place or a bad place as she tried to talk and stir around the subject of returning hoht was they could return naturally too, but… that was groundless, and… Well, Haji
“Be relieved There won’t be any capacity restrictions or demerits I’ll return everyone if I can”
“It is, taken along or… eehehe Thank you, Nagumo-san”
“For the fact that you had so little confidence You didn’t really do anything, did you?”
Kouki, Ryuutaro, and Suzu hang their heads to their chests
With just subliic can be raised a bit Of course, when you already had God-level ic, the necessity to sublih without the side effects, so there would also be some restrictions Like Rebirth without the side effects or so like that
Still, they seeet subliic But also that it could be expected It was that the tests were flawed and exploitable that they made it to the end in the first place
But as such, Kouki and the others hanged their heads Still, one person tried to folloardly with the circumstances
“Yaegashi+… you seeic?” Hajime asked
“!… Oh, I think that, I can use it, yes”
“Ho! Is that true?”
“That was really it? You’ve learned it?”
“Indeed, shi+zu, shi+zu! Suzu’s Bride!”
This also could be expected shi+zuku had been through the pleasure hell, a dreas reversed all without help Even if her battle ability wasn’t enough, the God-leveljust froh
It was heartwar, but it seemed like Suzu was the only one who appreciated that fact purely Ryuutaro wore a mortified expression while Kouki wore ominous shadows in his expressions while he praised with a s face
shi+zuku watched Kouki with an anxious look at that
“Anyway, back to Fair Bergen again Slowly Hordes of cockroaches was light traue Yue needs to heal with spirit”
“Kufufufu I’ll fix you right up”
“I, I too! I’ll put h! I’m on top of this!”
“It’s because everything is done! Because everything is done! I say it twice because it’s important!”
“The tired ood I make the mistress chair replacement so you can relax Do you have a firm foothold separately? You may stamp as much as you like?”
As Haji with Yue, shi+a and the rest crowd around hiht, and behind
Haji a little laugh shi+a gives a start, but seeiven priority somehow and turn to look at her with envious eyes
shi+zuku follows behind watching the vieith a bright expression while considering the possibility of going home
One boy wore a smile and chose to understand it that way at least, and thus the capture of one of the seven great labyrinths, the Sea of Trees, was complete