Volume II Part 16 (1/2)
[27] Widow of the eminent anatomist of that name, and formerly Miss Stevenson, to whom several of Dr Franklin's letters on Philosophical subjects are addressed
”Passy, January 27, 1783
”The departure of reatly affects me To meet with her once more in this life was one of the principal ain before my return to Ale and Dr Fothergill, and Lord Kaiun to take away the rest, and strikes the hardest Thus the ties I had to that country, and, indeed, to the world in general, are loosened one by one, and I shall soon have no attach to follow
[28] Refers to Mrs Hewson'swhen I sent the eleven books, but lost the ti for the first I wrote with that, and hope it ca to England: on reflection, I think I can, froe of your prudence, foresee what it will be; viz, not to co soht to be respected I shall therefore o to America, and then just step over to take leave of [29] Ben with me, and perhaps may leave hirandson of Dr Franklin, by his daughter Sarah; he was the first editor of the AURORA at Philadelphia: died of yellow fever in Septeth we are in peace, God be praised; and long, very long may it continue All wars are follies, very expensive and very mischievous ones: ill ree to settle their differences by arbitration? Were they to do it even by the cast of a die, it would be better than by fighting and destroying each other
”Spring is cohtful Can you not, when your children are all at school, e house, delightfully situated, in which I could accommodate you and two or three friends; and I a forward, twenty five years see back, how short! Could you iine that 'tis now full a quarter of a century since ere first acquainted! it was in 1757 During the greatest part of the time I lived in the same house with my dear deceased friend your mother; of course you and I saw and conversed with each other much and often It is to all our honours, that in all that ti Our friendshi+p has been all clear sunshi+ne, without the least cloud in its he to you what I have had too frequent occasion to say toold friends, _the fee become, the more let us love one another_
”_To David Hartley_
”Passy, May 8, 1783
”I send you enclosed the copies you desired of the papers I read to you yesterday[30] I should be happy if I could see, before I die, the proposed improvement of the law of nations established The miseries of mankind would be diminished by it, and the happiness of millions secured and pro_ could be profitable to any civilized nation, it lobe as that the rich co of ed to pass before our doors, which enables us to make short and cheap cruises, while our own commerce is in such bulky, low-priced articles, as that ten of our shi+ps taken by you are not equal in value to one of yours, and you reat expense to look for them I hope, therefore, that this proposition, ifhumanity only for itsin A-extended coast occupied by piratical states I fear lest our privateering success in the last tars should already have given our people too strong a relish for that , mixed blood; and if a stop is not now put to the practice, ued with American corsairs than they have been and are with the Turkish Try, lory of being, though the greatest naval power, the first who voluntarily relinquished the advantage that power see the ifts of God, and rendering miserable multitudes of merchants and their families, artisans, and cultivators of the earth, the most peaceable and innocent part of the hu, annexed to letter to R Oswald January 14, 1783
”_Dr Percival_
”Passy, July 17, 1784
”I received yesterday, by Mr White, your kind letter of May 11th, with the reeable present of your new book I read it all before I slept, which is a proof of the good effects your happylittle anecdotes and historical facts with your instructions Be pleased to accept ments for the pleasure it has affordedthat the , which you so justly condeue Formerly, when duels were used to determine lawsuits, from an opinion that Providence would in every instance favour truth and right with victory, they were excusable At present they decide nothing A ht; but, whichever is killed, the point in dispute remains unsettledHow can such miserable sinners as we are entertain so ined honour merits _death_? These petty princes, in their own opinion, would call that sovereign a tyrant ould put one of theh pointed at his sacred person: yet every one of thee in his own cause, condemns the offender without a jury, and undertakes hireat esteem, I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient and humble servant,
”_Sir Joseph Banks_