Volume II Part 12 (1/2)
Several volumes have been published of the transactions of this American Society, in which are many papers by Dr Franklin--_Note by Lord Kames_
”I have sent by sea, to the care of Mr Alexander a little box containing a few copies of the late edition of my books, for my friends in Scotland One is directed for you, and one for your society, which I beg that you and they would accept as a small token of ard, ”B FRANKLIN
”PS--I a the American disputes, miscarried I now send you a copy of it from my book The exas daily wear a worse aspect, and tend more and more to a breach and final separation”
”_John Alleyne_
”Craven-street, August 9, 1768
”You desire, you say, e, by way of answer to the numberless objections that have been made by numerous persons to your own You may reht youth on both sides to be no objection Indeed, froes that have fallen under my observation, I am rather inclined to think that early ones stand the best chance of happiness The te are not yet beco as when more advanced in life; they forust are removed And if youth has less of that prudence which is necessary toenerally at hand to afford their advice, which ae, youth is sooner forular and useful life; and possibly soht have injured the constitution or reputation, or both, are thereby happily prevented Particular circumstances of particular personsinto that state; but, in general, when nature has rendered our bodies fit for it, the presued aes are often attended, too, with this farther inconvenience, that there is not the sa educated
'_Late children_,' says the Spanish proverb, '_are early orphans_' A melancholy reflection to those whose case it enerally in theof life; our children are therefore educated and settled in the world by noon; and thus, our business being done, we have an afternoon and evening of cheerful leisure to ourselves, such as our friend at present enjoys By these early es we are blessed withus, founded by nature, of everyher own child, ress of population alad you are ratulate youa useful citizen; and you have escaped the unnatural state of celibacy for life--the fate ofpostponed the change of their condition, find at length that it is too late to think of it, and so live all their lives in a situation that greatly lessens a man's value An odd volume of a set of books bears not the value of its proportion to the set: what think you of the odd half of a pair of scissors? it can't well cut anything; it may possibly serve to scrape a trencher
”Pray make my compliments and best wishes acceptable to your bride I am old and heavy, or I should, ere this, have presented them in person I shalladvice to younger friends Treat your wife alith respect; it will procure respect to you, not only frohting expression to her, even in jest; for slights in jest, after frequent bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich Be sober and teeneral virtuous, and you will be happy At least, you will, by such conduct, stand the best chance for such consequences
”I pray God to bless you both, being ever your affectionate friend,
”_Governor Franklin_
”London, Dec 19, 1767
”The resolutions of the Boston people concerning trade reat noise here Parliament has not yet taken notice of theainst America Colonel Onslow told me at court last Sunday, that I could not conceive how much the friends of America were run upon and hurt by them, and how much the Grenvillians triumphed I have just written a paper for next Thursday's Chronicle, to extenuateColonel Onslow re of this session in the house between hiainst America, as traitorous, rebellious, &c, when the forravely said, that in reading the Ronanimous people, whenever the senate was informed of any discontent in the provinces, to send two or three of their body into the discontented provinces to inquire into the grievances coht be used to remedy as amiss before any severe steps were taken to enforce obedience That this exaht worthy our imitation in the present state of our colonies, for he did so far agree with the honourable gentlereat discontents a leave to move, that two or three land on this service And that itburdens on others that he would not be willing to bear hiness, if the house should think fit to appoint theentleh, which continued so, 'Will the gentlee that I shall be safe there? Can I be assured that I shall be allowed to coh was so far subsided as that Mr Onslow could be heard again, he added, 'I cannot absolutely engage for the honourable gentleoes thither upon this service, I areatly to the future quiet of both countries' On which the laugh was renewed and redoubled
”If our people should follow the Boston exaality and industry, full as necessary for us as for theive this reason, that 'tis to enable thee their debts to Great Britain; this will soften a little, and, at the same time, appear honourable, and like ourselves Yours, &c,
”_To Dr Priestley_
”Passy, June 7, 1782
”I received your kind letter of the 7th April, also one of the 3d of May I have always great pleasure in hearing fro that you are well, and that you continue your experiments I should rejoice much if I could once more recover the leisure to search with you into the works of nature; I mean the inanimate or moral part of them: the more I discovered of the former, the more I adusted with thes very badly constructed, as they are generally more easily provoked than reconciled, more disposed to do mischief to each other than to make reparation,one anotherIn what light we are viewed by superior beings, athered from a piece of late West India nehich, possibly, has not yet reached you A young angel being sent down to this world on some business for the first tiuide; they arrived over the seas of Martinico, in the ht between the fleets of Rodney and De Grasse When through the clouds of sled li, or blown into the air, and the quantity of pain, misery, and destruction, the crews yet alive were thus with so rily to his guide, and said, you blundering blockhead, you are ignorant of your business; you undertook to conduct ht uide, I have made no mistake; this is really the earth, and these are men Devils never treat one another in this cruel manner; they have more sense, and more of what men (vainly) call humanity
”But to be serious, my dear old friend, I love you as much as ever, and I love all the honest souls that meet at the London Coffee-house I only wonder how it happened that they and ood creatures in theto see them and you once more, and I labour for peace with ain be happy in your sweet society