Volume II Part 9 (1/2)

I am an honest tradesman, who never meant harm to anybody My affairs went on smoothly while a bachelor; but of late I have ive you an account

About the tiave out in speeches that, if she ive with her two hundred pounds in cash on the day of e He never said so much to me, it is true; but he always received me very kindly at his house, and openly countenanced my courtshi+p I formed several fine schemes what to do with this salected my business on that account; but, unluckily, it caentleed, and that the one to be easily broke off, he, without any reason given, grew very angry, forbid hter that if sheHowever (as he thought), ere not to be disappointed in that , I took her home to my house, where ere not quite in so poor a condition as the couple described in the Scotch song, who had

”Neither pot nor pan, But four bare legs together,”

for I had a house tolerably well furnished for a poor man before No thanks to Dad, who, I understand, was very ement; and I have since learned that there are other old cureons (so called) besides hihters, and yet keep what they er But this by way of digression; a word to the wise is enough

I soon saw that with care and industry we hbours; but entlewolass was one day broke, as she said, _no one could tell which way_ However, since we could not be without a glass in the rooe fashi+onable one, that Mr Such-a-one has to sell It will cost but little lass, and will look lass was bought and hung against the wall; but in a week's time I was made sensible, by little and little, that _the table was by no lass_; and, aprocured, some time after, my spouse, as an excellent contriver, inforht have very handsorees, I found allbelow altered for the better

Had we stopped here, itentertained with tea by the good woman she visited, we could do no less than the like when they visited us; so we got a teatable, with all its appurtenances of China and silver Thenthe house, so that we could do no longer without a maid Besides this, it happened frequently that when I came home at one, the dinner was but just put in the pot, and _ht really it had been but eleven_ At other times, when I ca, for dinner was ready about one, and had waited for ularities, occasioned bythe time, convinced me that it was absolutely necessary _to buy a clock_, which reat ornarief, she was troubled with soood as riding, and these hackney-horses were such wretched ugly creatures that_--I bought a very fine pacing mare, which cost twenty pounds; and hereabouts affairs have stood for about a twelve that this did not at all suit with h to help it, till lately, receiving a very severe dun, which an in earnest to project relief Last Monday, my dear went over the river to see a relation and stay a fortnight, because she could not bear the heat of the town air In the interim I have taken my turn toand baggage (for what should we do with a maid, who, besides our boy, have none but ourselves?) I have sold the pacing ood milch-coith three pounds of the -wheel in its place, which, methinks, looks very pretty; nine empty canisters I have stuffed with flax, and with soht a set of knitting-needles, for, to tell you the truth, _I begin to want stockings_ The fine clock I have transforood round sulass, squared and frareat one, which I have conveyed into a closet, where it s is quite changed, andin the place of the clock What a great ornament it is to the room! I have paid my debts, and find money in my pocket I expect my dear home next Friday, and, as your paper is taken at the house where she is, I hope the reading of this will prepare herrevolutions If she can confor, we shall be the happiest couple, perhaps, in the province, and, by the blessing of God, reat glass, because I know her heart is set upon it; I will allow her, when she comes in, to be taken suddenly ill with _the headache_, _the sto-fits_, or whatever other disorder she may think more proper, and she may retire to bed as soon as she pleases But if I should not find her in perfect health, both of body and lass, with several other trinkets I have no occasion for, to the vendue, that very day; which is the irrevocable resolution

Of, sir, her loving husband and Your very hulad to kno you approve my conduct

_Answer_--I don't love to concern myself in affairs between man and wife


”_Mrs Abiah Franklin_

”Philadelphia, April (date uncertain)


”We received your kind letter of the 2d instant, by which we are glad to hear you still enjoy such a e We read your writings very easily I never met with a word in your letter but what I could easily understand, for, though the hand is not always the best, the sense , which you inquire after, is now quite well I shall keep these servants: but the man not in my own house I have hired hi-office, who agrees to keep him in victuals and clothes, and to pay me a dollar a week for his work The wife, since that affair, behaves exceeding well: but we conclude to sell thero servants We got again about half e lost

”As to your grandchildren, Will is now 19 years of age, a tall, proper youth, and much of a beau He acquired a habit of idleness on the expedition, but begins, of late, to apply himself to business, and, I hope, will becoh for him; but I have assured him that I intend to spend what little I have h, and he can see, by ood as irl, and is extrehts in her work She is of ato her parents and to all Perhaps I flatter enious, sensible, notable, and worthy wo school

”For h; I enjoy (through reat deal, ride a little, do a little business for o into company when I please so; the years roll round, and the last will come, when I would rather have it said _he lived usefully_ than _he died rich_

”Cousins Josiah and Sally are well, and I believe will do well, for they are an industrious, loving young couple; but they want a little o on smoothly with their business

”My love to brother and sister Mecoeneral I am your dutiful son,


”_Miss Jane Franklin_[12]