Volume II Part 5 (1/2)


Veritas luce clarior[3]

[3] Truth is brighter than light

A friend ofsoreed on a price At the tying up of the parcels he had purchased, thevery hard, for she actually lost by everything she sold How, then, is it possible, said my friend, that you can keep on your business? Indeed, sir, answered she, I reat trade The reason, said reat_historical_ (the e; and so is a sin, it is so useful in trade_; though if they would examine into the reason why a number of shopkeepers raise considerable estates, while others who have set out with better fortunes have become bankrupts, they would find that the forence, and probity, what they were deficient of in stock; while the latter have been found guilty of i on such custooods

The former character raises a credit which supplies the want of fortune, and their fair dealing brings them customers; whereas none will return to buy of him by whoe rightly, we ht buy blindfolded, and they would save, both to the_

Though there are nu, and whose word may very safely be relied on, yet there are tootheir falsities with asseverations, pawn their salvation to raise their prices

As exaood and interest of my countrymen, whom I could wish to see without any vice or folly, I shall offer an example of the veneration bestowed on truth and abhorrence of falsehood a over Mark Antony and Cleopatra, aht to Ro informed that this man had never been detected in a falsehood, and was believed never to have told a lie, not only restored hih priest, and caused a statue to be erected to his honour The priest thus honoured was an Egyptian, and an enemy to Rome, but his virtue removed all obstacles

Pamphilius was a Roman citizen, whose body upon his death was forbidden sepulture, his estate was confiscated, his house razed, and his wife and children banished the Ro been a notorious and inveterate liar

Could there be greater demonstrations of respect for truth than these of the Roreatest honours, and exposed the fareatest contu, neither is there anything equally despicable and dangerous as a liar, nosafe who associates with him; for _he ill lie will swear to it_, says the proverb; and such a one er my life, turn my family out of doors, and ruin my reputation, whenever he shall find it his interest; and if a man will lie and swear to it in his shop to obtain a trifle, why should we doubt his doing so when he may hope to make a fortune by his perjury? The crime is in itself so mean, that to call a iven

If any have lenity enough to allow the dealers an excuse for this bad practice, I believe they will allow none for the gentleman who is addicted to this vice; and must look upon him with contempt That the world does so, is visible by the derision hich his name is treated whenever it is ave the Rhodians this description of Truth

She is the coht of the earth, the pedestal of justice, and the basis of good policy

Eschines told the same people, that truth was a virtue without which force was enfeebled, justice corrupted; humility became dissimulation, patience intolerable, chastity a dissembler, liberty lost, and pity superfluous

Pharmanes the philosopher told the Ros rested: a chart to sail by, a reht to the whole world

Anaxarchus, speaking of truth, said it was health incapable of sickness, life not subject to death, an elixir that healeth all, a sun not to be obscured, a ate that is never closed, and a path which never fatigues the traveller

But if we are blind to the beauties of truth, it is astonishi+ng that we should not open our eyes to the inconvenience of falsity A uard, for fear of contradicting and exposing himself to derision; for the h it is i on this route without detection, and shame and confusion follow Whereas he who is a votary of truth never hesitates for an answer, has never to rack his invention toof his story, nor obliged to burden his memory with minute circumstances, since truth speaks easily what it recollects, and repeats openly and frequently without varying facts, which liars cannot always do, even though gifted with a good memory


Written Anno 1736

The use ofmoney

For six pounds a year you may have the use of one hundred pounds, provided you are a roat a day idly, spends idly above six pounds a year, which is the price for the use of one hundred pounds

He that wastes idly a groat's worth of his tie of using one hundred pounds each day

He that idly loses five shi+llings' worth of tiht as prudently throw five shi+llings into the sea