Volume I Part 13 (1/2)

_Q_ Have you heard of any difficulties lately laid on the Spanish trade?

_A_ Yes, I have heard that it has been greatly obstructed by solishthe coast in Aht that America should be protected by this country, and pay no part of the expense?

_A_ That is not the case The colonies raised, clothed, and paid, during the last war, near twenty-five thousand men, and spent many millions

_Q_ Were you not reimbursed by Parliament?

_A_ We were only reimbursed what, in your opinion, we had advanced beyond our proportion, or beyond what ht reasonably be expected from us; and it was a very small part of e spent Pennsylvania, in particular, disbursed about 500,000; and the reimbursements, in the whole, did not exceed 60,000

_Q_ You have said that you pay heavy taxes in Pennsylvania; what do they amount to in the pound?

_A_ The tax on all estates, real and personal, is eighteen pence in the pound, fully rated; and the tax on the profits of trades and professions, with other taxes, do, I suppose, make full half a crown in the pound

_Q_ Do you know anything of the _rate of exchange_ in Pennsylvania, and whether it has fallen lately?

_A_ It is commonly from one hundred and seventy to one hundred and seventy-five I have heard that it has fallen lately from one hundred and seventy-five to one hundred and sixty-two and a half, owing, I suppose, to their lessening their orders for goods; and when their debts to this country are paid, I think the exchange will probably be at par

_Q_ Do not you think the people of America would submit to pay the stamp duty if it was moderated?

_A_ No, never, unless compelled by force of arms

_Q_ What was the temper of America towards Great Britain _before the year_ 1763?

_A_ The best in the world They subovernment of the crown, and paid in their courts obedience to acts of Parliament

Numerous as the people are in the several old provinces, they cost you nothing in forts, citadels, garrisons, or aroverned by this country at the expense only of a little pen, ink, and paper: they were led by a thread They had not only a respect, but an affection for Great Britain; for its laws, its customs, and reatly increased the commerce Natives of Britain were always treated with particular regard; to be an _Old England-ave a kind of rank a us

_Q_ And what is their temper now?

_A_ Oh, very much altered

_Q_ Did you ever hear the authority of Parliament to make laws for America questioned till lately?

_A_ The authority of Parliament was allowed to be valid in all laws, except such as should lay internal taxes It was never disputed in laying duties to regulate commerce

_Q_ In what proportion had population increased in America?

_A_ I think the inhabitants of all the provinces together, taken at a medium, double in about twenty-five years But their demand for British manufactures increases much faster; as the consuroith the growing abilities of the same numbers to pay for them In 1723, the whole importation fro; it is now near half a ht did the people of America use to consider the Parliament of Great Britain?

_A_ They considered the Parliareat bulwark and security of their liberties and privileges, and always spoke of it with the utht, ht possibly, at times, attempt to oppress them; but they relied on it that the Parliaive redress They re instance of this, when a bill was brought into Parliament, with a clause to make royal instructions laws in the colonies, which the House of Commons would not pass, and it was thrown out

_Q_ And have they not still the sareatly lessened

_Q_ To what cause is that owing?